Changed my story ? Where LOL
All i do is reflect the FACTS !Plenty of people have their own beliefs.
This has nothing to do with the scientific communities consensus which i often refer to. (whether i feel it is right or wrong)
Some of you do not comprehend what i say that is all..Such as i alluded to
PanspermiaI mentioned it is a popular theory.. i neither advocated it nor condemned it.
Learn to read and stay away from ICO's Investards.
We have to work with what we got info wise.
We know what we know when we know it..
Scientific knowledge is built with one pebble at a time building a mountain.
You can deny the mountain all want but it will be an uphill climb.
I was the guy who got a famous space show on TV to feature the first stars.
I was talking online at IMDB forums to a chick who is friends with one of the main stars of countless shows.. Michelle Thaller.
I said it and the next show was featuring my topic ..your welcome assholes.
I get fucking results while you are all puttering around pullin' it.
What was the topic ? the FIRST Stars !
I said i had been collecting space related TV shows on my HDD for a LOT of years.
I have seen them ALL ..countless times.
And i said they always bob & weave and doge a few of the tough questions.
Such as.. thew first stars.
I also long ago had my own theories on Dark Matter / Dark Energy and i see know mainstream since is going with it.. coincidentally.
What is good about the scientific community is they DO seem to be able to re-asses their findings.
That is often how major discoveries are found.
In other words double checking your facts.
I was the lone person for example that pointed out how the concept of finding our own black-hole was the same for our recent finding of Planet X.. difference being is the world erupted in laughter at the one and the other was accepted as undisputed fact.
So i scratched my head and asked all the blow-hard experts why in gods name would you say Yes & NO when BOTH are using the same proof ?
Puuuuuuuuuuure silence.
All the lippy disphits went into hiding and i shut up all the "experts" dead cold in their tracks.
Most of the talk was all about bickering over Mike Brown's demotion of Pluto.
The retards couldn't even vaguely stay on topic.
Proof = is proof.
Do we have a black hole ? 99% yes i'd say.
But that is not 100%
That is essentially circumstantial evidence.
It *Could* be something else..
And all of space science is based on assumptions like that too.
The measurement of objects in space is based on the standard candle theory which is sketchy at best.
There is too many variable and unknowns out there for us to rely on it so heavily.
To back up a bit.. it's concept of calculating light distance basically.
Founded by a chick who was mapping variable stars long ago..
Problem is we already have questions with no answers because of missing data.
Such as the missing link between quantum physics and regular physics.
Basically they say that Einsteins theories work.. to a point. (but break down eventually)
meaning there MUST be more info.
And there for believing 100% in a concept like the standard candle theory is silly.
If we can't believe in that we got BIG problems !
Because 90% of shit is based on it in space science.
The other is star wobble and parallax mapping.. used for Planet Detection.
I have said all long here on the forum i believe everything in life is about degree's of certainty.
I reserve the FACTS label for things proven guaranteed 100%.
Panspermia ? Evolution ? I have no idea and have no way to prove it.
I think there has been gaps in evolution i think so who knows.
I do think it's possible we were seeded with simple life here from a meteor or comet though.
Most of science thinks this is plausible and reasonable too.
Keep an open mind people