Not much to say.. we're bottom-feeders scurrying around like maggots on a giant floating lump of shit.
We have done fuck all.
What have we done in the universe that is meaningful ?
Fantasy God shit is a waste of precious time.
Our story is we are like a virus spreading soon to infect other planets.. Mars etc.
The story is we are microbes that evolved into bigger more complex forms of life.. that's it.
Nothing special by scientists estimates too.
You might feel great about it all but there is nothing to be proud of.
We are a wasteful selfish childish greedy stupid life form.
We have butchered our planet and decimated life on earth.
We are pigs that won't stop eating and reproducing..
A massive growing self entitled disease is what humanity is.
Every middle class piece of shit loser asshole thinks he is entitled to his picket fence, house, mortgage, dog and car / truck / suv etc.
Like every little shit douche on the web is entitled to smash your ass into submission with advertisements then mouth you off with pop-up's if they detect your using Adblock.
Our story is we are degenerating out of control.. as time goes on we get worse & worse.
We expand more and soon the population will double causing obvious problems.
Does anyone care ? Of course not.. they upload pic's of the food they ate click like and whail on about their SJW cocky smug little causes. - The Current Mass Extinction is one example of many that we are worthless pieces of shit hell bent on self destruction.
Although it's not much to worry about because we are doomed SOONER than that !
Humanity KNOWS crystal clear we are at some point going to get slammed with a comet or asteroid or Gamma ray burst or CME etc.
Wiping out humanity ..and we are stupid enough to invest essentially no resources into this problem.
We have effectively put all of humanities eggs into 1 basket that is set to explode in the future guaranteed.
That is raw pure indisputable stupidity.
Which means we ARE 100% guaranteed to be erased from the Universe.. we know it and won't lift a finger.
For one thing it would require money and effort and humans will not pony it up.
So the ONLY question at all is HOW MUCH time do we have left ?
We *Could* have been pooling the human race's resources into building systems to combat a lot of threats and past that we could also be simply preparing to get the fuck off the planet ASAP.
And don't you all dare say we ARE doing those things.. i have been keeping tabs on it all..
..the effort is minimal at best.
When you compare what we *COULD* be doing and what we *ARE* doing it's appalling.
We do not do more because we are greedy selfish childish self entitled like maggots.
..spinning around on our lump of shit feeding until it's squeezed dry.
I have 0 faith things will change.
We are dead already.. we are just going through the motions until the final day comes.
Brian Cox would agree with much of what i said too..
He was in this good TV mini-series..
Human Universe
The summary of his show was on point and every human on earth should see this series too !
He goes through it all pretty much and the conclusion is basically this..
We haven't seen any sign of intelligent life out there because there isn't any.
The reason why is we don't live very long.. the universe is dangerous !