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Author Topic: What is our story here on Earth?  (Read 1265 times)
crwth (OP)
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November 13, 2016, 05:48:20 PM

What is the story behind everything? What do you think made us? Do you believe in Religion? In Science? Or just somewhere in between?

In my opinion, it is God that made everything. That is what I believe. We may never truly know everything until it happens or revealed to us, but one thing is for sure, that everything happens for a reason.

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November 13, 2016, 06:23:45 PM

Well, anything is possible unless proven otherwise.  And we haven't proven otherwise.
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November 13, 2016, 11:25:05 PM

As people grow more intelligent, the concept of god will disappear.  Can't wait for that day.   Undecided



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November 13, 2016, 11:37:33 PM

No one knows and maybe no one will ever know, so try to make the best of your life and dont think about it.

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November 13, 2016, 11:38:43 PM

As people grow more intelligent, the concept of god will disappear.  Can't wait for that day.   Undecided

that will never happen, I mean the people as whole to grow intelligent, there will always be those neandertals.

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Robert Christensen - WGR Lead Developer

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November 13, 2016, 11:58:05 PM

We have all come here to this earth; by the result of a cosmic soup, we are all here to learn, teach and help others. Make the best of all you can and be good to those around you.
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November 14, 2016, 12:24:24 AM

We have all come here to this earth; by the result of a cosmic soup, we are all here to learn, teach and help others. Make the best of all you can and be good to those around you.

So we are all here by accident and threfore we don't have any purpose, we just are.

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November 14, 2016, 12:27:41 AM

Who knows, probably we will never know. Dont lose time wondering about that, live life as it is.
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November 14, 2016, 01:47:17 AM

What is the story behind everything? What do you think made us? Do you believe in Religion? In Science? Or just somewhere in between?

In my opinion, it is God that made everything. That is what I believe. We may never truly know everything until it happens or revealed to us, but one thing is for sure, that everything happens for a reason.
I do believe in religion and science. I believe that there is one superior who create the universe which is God. Yet, I also consider the perspective of science because of their evidences. Both science and religion theory might be the story of everything. But what can I assure is that, everything was created by God.

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crwth (OP)
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November 14, 2016, 06:00:36 AM

Well, anything is possible unless proven otherwise.  And we haven't proven otherwise.

It is possible. Well, everything is possible. Just believe in what you really believe at heart, you know? How about you?

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November 14, 2016, 06:32:03 AM

What is the story behind everything? What do you think made us? Do you believe in Religion? In Science? Or just somewhere in between?

In my opinion, it is God that made everything. That is what I believe. We may never truly know everything until it happens or revealed to us, but one thing is for sure, that everything happens for a reason.
I do believe in religion and science. I believe that there is one superior who create the universe which is God. Yet, I also consider the perspective of science because of their evidences. Both science and religion theory might be the story of everything. But what can I assure is that, everything was created by God.

Which god?  You know there are thousands, right?   You believe in one god but not others?

That's like saying you know Batman is fake, but you are best friends with Superman.   Roll Eyes



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December 30, 2016, 01:45:47 PM

no one knows it YET
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February 18, 2017, 02:47:35 AM

Very interesting question for which probably nobody will know in the next thousand years.
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March 12, 2017, 11:31:13 AM

On the one hand, a person who does not need to live, often does not live long, as he is subject to mental disorders, illnesses, suicidal tendencies. What is so good about it? On the other hand, it is even worse to err, seeking the meaning of life for false or secondary purposes (for example, in the pursuit of well-being, pleasures and even the continuation of the race). Death makes life meaningless, negating everything that a person did or did not do. If death is the end, then life, in the long run, is meaningless! But it's not enough just to believe in God - this is just the first step! We must also acknowledge our sinfulness, be reconciled to God through faith. Then you will receive the gift of salvation and eternal life.
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March 12, 2017, 10:45:01 PM

well no one knows but i believe God knows
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March 13, 2017, 04:18:20 AM

I'd say, it may be a story of destruction or triumph. Of course, depeding on how the rest of the world will act in the next couple of years. We can either continue to destroy our planet due to pollution and continuous exhaustion of our natural resources. Or our best bet which will be the to make the world a better place. I mean, more trees, using alternative ways to get energy etc. It all depends on humans actually.
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March 13, 2017, 06:17:54 AM
Last edit: March 13, 2017, 08:44:24 AM by Spoetnik

Not much to say.. we're bottom-feeders scurrying around like maggots on a giant floating lump of shit.

We have done fuck all.
What have we done in the universe that is meaningful ?

Fantasy God shit is a waste of precious time.

Our story is we are like a virus spreading soon to infect other planets.. Mars etc.
The story is we are microbes that evolved into bigger more complex forms of life.. that's it.
Nothing special by scientists estimates too.

You might feel great about it all but there is nothing to be proud of.
We are a wasteful selfish childish greedy stupid life form.
We have butchered our planet and decimated life on earth.
We are pigs that won't stop eating and reproducing..
A massive growing self entitled disease is what humanity is.

Every middle class piece of shit loser asshole thinks he is entitled to his picket fence, house, mortgage, dog and car / truck / suv etc.
Like every little shit douche on the web is entitled to smash your ass into submission with advertisements then mouth you off with pop-up's if they detect your using Adblock.

Our story is we are degenerating out of control.. as time goes on we get worse & worse.
We expand more and soon the population will double causing obvious problems.
Does anyone care ? Of course not.. they upload pic's of the food they ate click like and whail on about their SJW cocky smug little causes. - The Current Mass Extinction

That is one example of many that we are worthless pieces of shit hell bent on self destruction.
Although it's not much to worry about because we are doomed SOONER than that !

Humanity KNOWS crystal clear we are at some point going to get slammed with a comet or asteroid or Gamma ray burst or CME etc.
Wiping out humanity ..and we are stupid enough to invest essentially no resources into this problem.
We have effectively put all of humanities eggs into 1 basket that is set to explode in the future guaranteed.
That is raw pure indisputable stupidity.
Which means we ARE 100% guaranteed to be erased from the Universe.. we know it and won't lift a finger.
For one thing it would require money and effort and humans will not pony it up.
So the ONLY question at all is HOW MUCH time do we have left ?

We *Could* have been pooling the human race's resources into building systems to combat a lot of threats and past that we could also be simply preparing to get the fuck off the planet ASAP.

And don't you all dare say we ARE doing those things.. i have been keeping tabs on it all..
..the effort is minimal at best.
When you compare what we *COULD* be doing and what we *ARE* doing it's appalling.
We do not do more because we are greedy selfish childish self entitled like maggots.
..spinning around on our lump of shit feeding until it's squeezed dry.

I have 0 faith things will change.
We are dead already.. we are just going through the motions until the final day comes.


Brian Cox would agree with much of what i said too..

He was in this good TV mini-series.. Human Universe

The summary of his show was on point and every human on earth should see this series too !
He goes through it all pretty much and the conclusion is basically this..
We haven't seen any sign of intelligent life out there because there isn't any.
The reason why is we don't live very long.. the universe is dangerous !

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March 14, 2017, 01:00:49 AM


The summary of his show was on point and every human on earth should see this series too !
He goes through it all pretty much and the conclusion is basically this..
We haven't seen any sign of intelligent life out there because there isn't any.
The reason why is we don't live very long.. the universe is dangerous !

Science suggests that life has taken hundreds of thousands to millions of years to develop us into what we are today. But, what if evolution were a lot faster in some other part of the universe?

Imagine that evolution was so favorable, and so fast somewhere else that, in the time it took us to go from the primordial soup to what we are today, some creatures out there went to a point thousands of times as intelligent as the best of us.

Then, one of those creatures evolved to the point where it could control the whole space/time continuum with its mind. It was very lonely since there was nobody else like it. So, it did this.

It got rid of evolution. It made everything work by cause and effect. It recreated the universe about 6,000 years ago. It watched with pleasure as people developed into something that was great enough that soon they would be able to become like it is. And all this in only 6,000 years rather than billions of years.

Of course, it didn't do away with a lot of the evidence for evolution. Why should it? The stuff is simply there, and we will grow out of our naivety of stupidly relying on stuff that looks like evidence, but really isn't.


The above is just a story to show that we don't know much of anything for sure. But among those things that seem to be science fact for us, science shows us that God exists. It is right here:,
and all the deep-thinking scientists know it, even if they try to ignore it.


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March 14, 2017, 01:52:01 AM

Interesting idea !

But my first thought is if that was possible it would have to be even more rare circumstances then we have here.
In other words the planet would have to be less dangerous getting hit with less planet wiping comets & asteroids less frequently than we get them here.

The plausibility of that AND a system like ours is almost implausible i think.

People make a silly ultra basic assumption that if there are other planets like ours in the zone and around the same size then we would have life on those planets too.
Which is stupid.

The ice cold reality is we have an unbelievably rare setup here in our solar system.

We have the only large moon in the solar system.
It is a key aspect to why we are here.
If it was not here the speed of the planet would be rotating at crazy speeds with wind speeds in the atmospshere making the idea of hearing things a fanstasy.. imagine 2,000 mph winds 24/hrs a day.
try seeing in that or even standing.

Then we have the procession.

That make our planet stable ..unlike Mars.
More advanced life forms simply cannot handle being plunged into ice for 13,000 years then the raging hot death for 13,000 years.
And that is exactly what would be happening with out our moon.
The moon regulates the tilt of Earth like a spinning top that teeters from side to side.

Then we have the moon's formation.
Supposedly a planet the size of Mars plowed into us and scientist think it's likely we had life starting to form BEFORE that.
We also don't know if we were seeded from another planet like Mars that started life BEFORE us.
A lot of scientists think that is what happened with basic microbial life.

Then with out the planet smacking into another planet (creating our moon)
We may have already had our magnetic field die off from old age. (like Mars)
With out there would be no complex life on Earth.

The more we actually look at the circumstances we have here the more we are realizing in science that we have a very rare unique setup and we get REEEEEALLY lucky that it all panned out exactly as it did.

The fact another planet slammed into ours creating a moon that regulated our tilt spin and slowing it down and then adding more core for a longer lasting magnetic field is overlooked all too often in science.

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March 14, 2017, 02:18:56 AM

Interesting idea !


The idea is interesting. But the whole idea of evolution is a problem in itself. For example...

If you take all the atoms and molecules in a basic living cell, the combination of them can't exist together, accidentally, in any state we know. For this molecule to exist, that one would not exist... and so on. If this molecule existed, it would cause that one to convert into something that would poison the potential cell before it got started.

For the inanimate molecules of a potential cell to happen to momentarily exist together, and to happen to fall into just the right places to "imitate" where they would be in a living cell... the odds against this happening are so high that it is literally scientifically impossible according to probability math.

However, if it happened, then it would all have to start to move as a cell moves internally... all at just the right time, and in just the right way, for the molecules to come alive as a cell. The odds against this happening are, also, so great, that it is an impossibility, as well... at least according to any mathematical odds that we can envision on earth.

And you know how easily things die. So, even if these two impossible things DID happen, the living cell would be "killed" by its surroundings before it could gain enough further atoms and molecules so that it could divide/propagate.

The point is that all the things that you mentioned in your post, are rather immaterial to the idea of life by evolution. If evolution happened, both the laws of probability and the laws of chemical activity would have to be so extremely different than anything that we see today, or anything that we can imagine, that the whole thing is simply guesswork, and wildly imaginative guesswork.


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