OK, well I may as well say this again as some people still don't get it. The OP is a well known FUDer who has repeatedly written garbage about Gulden on here to try and put people off/get people to dump so he can get cheap Gulden. There are loads of them at it. Some of them are former members of the community who use sock puppet accounts to spread FUD in a cute little circle jerk of butthurt. They sold too early when the big rise happened last year and have not been able to get back in.
If you listen to people like this on here and make investments based on their bullshit then I think you should stay away from crypto altogether because you will lose a lot of money.
Gulden is not a scam. The devs are in slack everyday and development continues at pace. There was even another wallet update today. Details here:
https://developer.gulden.com/blog/The Prime update is around the corner with many other developments planned. With all the services and infrastructure being built around the coin and no pumping and hype going on, Gulden is still cheap and should be considered by the sensible investor who is looking for long term gains and a solid project to get behind.
You will not hear much about Gulden on this forum from the devs as they rightly consider this place to be full of self serving scum like the OP. For a real community join the Gulden slack channel and see for yourself and remember this:
It is still early days for Gulden and it is still extremely undervalued. Investing in this coin for the long term might be one of the best financial decisions you will ever make.