How much money do you collect at the moment?
You can check the addresses on the
Terms page with a blockexplorer. We recently passed $1m. Which is already enough for the team; a chunk will go to dev bounties.
Glad to hear that you are in talks to get a centralized exchange.This is what i am worried about.Decentralized exchanges have not big trading volume...
How can you distribute HYBRID tokens without mainnet?Is it erc20 token?
HYBRID is a multichain asset which is registered on a range of blockchains. Including an ERC20 token, yes. So even with our own wallet in development, participants will be able to receive them and check their balance on the chains.
i actually like the idea and have invested. however, have a question on the functioning of this:
imagine after july I have some hybrids.
What can I do with them? What is the first use case that will be developed, now that funding is above min. threshold?
You can see our milestones for the upcoming years
here. The use of the HYBRIDs is to serve as a valuematching mechanism for cross-blockchain transfers. Once the wallet is functional and tested enough to control assets and currencies, we'll continue to focus on adding this functionality.
As this is the first multi portal gateway supporting various blockchain platforms, it will be interesting to see the user case scenario and how many people will be interested to use it. I will be very excited to see what it will look like when ready.
Thanks! You can already take a preview look
here. For those who do not have TOR, you can also check out the
live demo we gave in Amsterdam.
Thanks for all the interest everyone. We try to be available as often as possible for questions