It's good that for every taste and is profitable and cheap?
There are still questions, I will watch this thread
PoW miners spend huge amount of their computing power and electricity for solving PoW task. The only point of this is assuring blockchain immutability.
Only a tiny amount of the total computations is being spent for actual processing of the transactions in the network. This is, by the way, the main reason of migration to PoS.
Also, due to increasing mining difficulty, mining with a small farm is becoming less and less profitable.
If the miners will provide their computing resources for rent, they will receive guaranteed profit for their calculations, unlike in PoW mining.
On the other hand, at the moment, buyers of computing power use centralized cloud services (AWS/Azure/etc.) to rent their resources.
Our calculations indicate that, with the current cloud services prices and mining network hashrate, SONM network price for the calculations will be significantly lower.
You can check the details in out Whitepaper, section 5.1 (Market)
Translations:I'll do Indonesian translation if needed
hi dev i am interested to tranlsate to italian languange could you reserve it to me? thanks
I have already reserved Hindi translation,Kindly inform me when I can start working on it.Thanks
Thanks for your interest to our project, guys.
Please, PM to discuss the details of the thread and WP translation.
Send the examples of your previous translations to save the time.
We'll answer you as soon as we can.
Sorry. You have to show actual mining software before ANYONE is going to take you seriously.
You say just use your Computer, Playstation, Phone to start mining!
WELL, HOW? WHERE IS THE SOFTWARE? That is a bold claim with Vaporware.
Post the software and github links so we can see you are not a pure scam.
Your whitepaper is 20 pages of crap and no where does it even say what algo all these devices will be
mining. It seems you are heavily into ETH, but do you really think a cell phone or playstation is
going to mine dagger? Put some specifics into the whitepaper about the mining instead of pre-funding
and then funding a vaporware ICO.
At the moment we have the functional Proof-of-Concept, using SONM network:
You can register on the website, download the client and test it. Profit from your calculations will be credited in DrugDiscovery tokens.
DrugDiscovery client is desktop (alpha version at the moment).
The next step of development is the SONM desktop client for general-purpose calculations and mining clients for the other non-PC platforms.
Talking about consoles\smartphones computations:
This task is in our development roadmap, but the main priority at the moment is to build the decentralized SONM network for buyers/hubs/miners interaction - reliable, efficient and safe.
Bounty campaign:bounty?

Yep, we'll have the bounty campaign.
There is an issue: bounty campaign is a two-edged sword.
Sure, it helps to promote the project, but it also leads to significant token price decrease after the launch of the platform, because almost everyone involved in bounty campaign dumps the tokens.
We'll announce the exact numbers of bounty tokens and terms of the campaign in a day or two.
This is same as the Golem project? I read the the OP and have a feeling that I read somewhere this supercomputer project.
The concept of decentralized supercomputer is close to Golem and other competing projects (Elastic, iExEc). But SONM project has strong benefits comparing to them.
For example, here are the SONM benefits in comparison with Golem (
quote from the SONM Whitepaper, section 5.2):
- Golem network hasn’t demonstrated concept proof yet. Golem network currently isn’t able to process
general purpose computing. Their network is available in the test mode only for CGI rendering.
Furthermore, SONM uses more common and standardized BOINC platform, also used in lots of existing
distributed projects, therefore SONM is compatible with many of them.
In addition, as we are developing SONM using a lot of open source technologies, we already have the core,
network platform and most of the other important features of the project, and, in fact, we are ahead of the
Golem project at least by two years of development.
- Golem’s range of applications is still limited. At the moment, efficiently tested tasks in Golem are limited
only to rendering CGI in Blender.
- Golem has less functions. Golem represents “peer-to-peer market” for computational resources. SONM
is the cryptographically secure protocol providing tasks distribution, validation of results and proportional
correct payment for the used computational power
- Validation of the computing results. Results validation system is one of the Golem project’s weak spots.
Not all of the computations’ results are being validated, so Golem is depending on their reputation system
to prevent users from paying malicious miners for wrong results of calculations. This system is potentially
vulnerable and can be exploited.
SONM uses BOINC verification system allowing to check all the received results for correctness.