The only thing you do is dig a deeper hole.
You have a shady track record.
I do not.
Funny how your money can not buy integrity or class huh?
So risto.. If I got burned.. Would I "deserve" my money?
And what is it you are even doing in crypto anyway?
So far you have a track record of scamming poor people to pad your rich bragging ass wallet.
You basically stole the Mew donated money before for example then had smooth apologize and issue a refund.
Funny because you claimed it was a powerful adoption asset for Monero.
AKA:a paid forum game for advertising.
Like jeesus fuck I couldn't make up this shit its so funny
I also want to point out how you said to me on polo chat before this forum game you made thousands on the previous one.
Soooooo uhhhhhh?
Oh but now this one... Or I should say the last one was for adoption purposes.
So what is this one for now?
What are you doing here besides setting up childish gay forum game bullshit?
Just want to play demigod and profit off poor people?
I'm curious just what in the fuck do you do in crypto to support it?
I have pointed out lots how the shit you say and the shit YOU DO are not equal..endlessly.
You are wormy insecure delusional mentally ill predator fraud and people should steer clear of your little money schemes.
And uhhh you been gettin' that 2.2 million in XMR out of polo?
Good then prove to us all payments have been made to your debtors.
Otherwise risto sweety you have little wiggle room to come to a scam topic with your name on it claiming denial.
Risto you are sad pathetic little clown and I knew damn well on day one you were going to be a never ending juggernaut of drama and bullshit.
You are hands down the most deluded arrogant bullshit "king" in all of crypto land.
Every time I see your garbage posts I think of the pied piper leading the XMR rats.
But guess what sweety?
New players are coming for your throne LOL
Pretty soon the rats will be following a new perceived whale.. Like oh I dunno Mark Cuban?
Your done in crypto.
You have a long trail of bullshit.
These brain washed victims may still suck you off but I can assure you new people showing up will steer clear.
Your debts are paid then?
Prove it.
If not do you think launching another forum game is a wise use of your time?
Did that guy you hired to access your email account used with Poloniex succeed then?
I don't know where to begin with you.. You are such a bushitting insecure lite clown.
You remind me of a bored out of work house wife playing "forum games" all day..
Except you keep ripping people off then launching another one.
I've never understood why people bother with retarded crap like this.
Forum games I've played? 0
Maybe get a hobby or a job and pay the people back you ripped off "king" risto?