The old website is no longer.
The project still references in the file; but if that domain is no longer under control of this project then the links in the official repository should be updated.
CoinMarketCap correctly references this thread and the CWI github page, but it still lists as the official site; so that may need to be updated also.
CWI will have the INFX website as an integrated addition to the CWI-WebSite after it comes online at - website is still under construction currently, but we are gaining ground to release it very soon.
CWI website has been 'coming soon' for well over 6 months, maybe even longer...
What is a realistic timeframe for something more than a 'coming soon' page to be available?
When it all happens.
There are a number of more pressing and very urgent matters that require attention.
Agreed that these points you have raised are quite important and higher on the priority list as say, the CWI-DBM system for example , but not as high on the list as the full new server build that the CWI-Pool system is undertaking, and started this week. Since the the current server is overloaded and cannot really keep up with the current load, these sorts of priorities have to take precedence over these other important factors you have mentioned. It will be done, but in good time and in order of priority. Without a solid, stable and reliable backend, we fail at keeping things going as we have done now. The web page was supposed to changed a long while ago, but once again, other priorities take precedence.
There are a few of you have reached out to us with help in one way or another, but some of the services we require are CWI specific, and unless you are one of theTEAM, some things cannot be shared with you.
In any case, after a system crash of mine and an almost three day straight rebuild of my machine, I am getting back on track, and theTEAM have been doing what they need to do to keep things going.
In the coming three weeks, certain changes will happen which will affect everyone, and they will be published as they are completed.
If there are any other things that you (or any other) would like to pint out, then please do, as we DO take note of all these things that will make the CWI-EcoSystem of which InfluxCoin is part thereof.