Activity: 28
Merit: 0
January 25, 2018, 09:47:06 AM |
The project is nothing new, nothing special Wish you success with this project.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
January 25, 2018, 10:31:15 AM |
So what IS happening then? looks like you cant give an answer to that question either blind faith and a complete lack of reason is all I see here and its truly amazing to me also lol at the "fud fud fud" screams whenever you roll out facts. the price is already at alltime low if you havent noticed  FWIW I dumped this shitcoin at 12 cents and Im not looking back. I WILL come here to gloat and troll the bagholders though.
An account dedicated to shitting on one coin...*golf clap* We are at a low right now and you sold at $0.12..lost $0.39 per coin. At the $0.94 mark you lost $0.82 per coin. I'll make sure to do the opposite of what you do to make any profit. Regrets will cause people to FUD a project. He sold at 12 cents and has been waiting ever since to get back into Wagerr. It won't ever happen. The best decision for this guy is to buy back now before WGR is in the dollars. The pain will be much worse as the price increases. lol you guys are hilarious sure I just cant wait to get back into wagerr. its not like I sold it for much better projects a long time ago hahah

Activity: 79
Merit: 10
January 25, 2018, 10:43:35 AM |
ok so i start buying now for the cheap price, I think it will spike up when they are done and all issues are solved!
January 25, 2018, 10:45:29 AM |
Anyone get a weird message saying getting free wagger on Facebook
Be careful guys this is a scam if you put address in you will lose your funds.
January 25, 2018, 10:49:49 AM |
Apparently they have solved the master node sync issue they picked up on the 15th. Update posted to Twitter 3 hrs ago: Check out reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wagerr/More updates to come. Coins currently cheapest again. Thanks for posting this information, I hope things go as plan from now on, can wait to set up my Wagerr masternode, people better start to accumulate more tokens now that is very cheap, won't be surprise to see the price above $5 soon
January 25, 2018, 11:10:04 AM |
In similar industry we can find long list of services providers this doesn't mean new businesses have no success chance. They all make money some more and others less based on the quality of services and managerial difference by handing their customers in better way than others. Wagerr as project has bright future and token is cheap right now than last weeks.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1001
January 25, 2018, 12:27:23 PM |
As far as I know, devs are working hard and wagerr will be released, a bit late. Don't listen to fud.
Getting things right is a reasonable reason not to launch.
Having wagerr as blockchain: right idea Having wagerr anonymous: right idea Having masternode based: right idea Communications: a bit shit, but not totally bad (seems to be improving) Release execution: a bit late (can live with this, especially if they get it right... see above)
So far good choices. Really looking forward to network release
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
January 25, 2018, 12:34:25 PM |
A message to David Mah:
Dear David,
Please be the first CEO in history to tell the raw truth. We are in crypto because we are sick of CEO double talk. Why can't you just unblock the WGR coins from the website.
We don't need you to sanitize the truth for us, just tell us the real truth.
We gave you so much of our money, aren't we entitled to hear the truth and nothing but the truth? Is that to much to ask?
Please be 100% transparent . I deserve nothing less.
That's all I have.
Am I to harsh on the CEO for asking to unblock my coins and the plain truth and 100% transparency? Is a crypto investor entitled to 100% of all the raw information in exchange for the BTC investment? Or is the CEO entitled to hide information and block coins from the investor?
Yours faithfully,

Activity: 117
Merit: 11
January 25, 2018, 03:48:10 PM |
if Bitcoin crashes then Wagerr will crash to 0.05$ again
January 25, 2018, 03:52:39 PM |
If I remember correctly, the price of ico was 0.05 at the start and 0.1 at the end. Now the price of $ 0.5, why many are not pleased with the project? 
Piston Honda
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1070
Juicin' crypto
January 25, 2018, 03:59:04 PM |
As far as I know, devs are working hard and wagerr will be released, a bit late. Don't listen to fud.
Getting things right is a reasonable reason not to launch.
Having wagerr as blockchain: right idea Having wagerr anonymous: right idea Having masternode based: right idea Communications: a bit shit, but not totally bad (seems to be improving) Release execution: a bit late (can live with this, especially if they get it right... see above)
So far good choices. Really looking forward to network release
yup +1 to this  shit i still have my coins on the ICO site haha, i don't like waves/DEX so meh, will hold and wait for proper exchange. ideally wgr needs to launch their productt sooooooooooooooooooooon....granted no rush really for gains (since it'll moon anyways), i don't mind if they take a bit longer to get stuff right. then i'm comfy moving coins over. to the loser above 1happy1 re. hostage coins, not sure wtf you're talking about? idiot noob FUD shill account lmao. do you mean on the ico site? cos you can remove them anytime. or you mean some other site? if so, i'm pretty sure wgr has better things to do than "hold your coins hostage" cos they don't gain any benefit from doing that lol. seems your English may be in the way.
$ADK ~ watch & learn...

Activity: 117
Merit: 11
January 25, 2018, 04:11:31 PM |
Why is Wagerr withdrawal still disabled from the website?
January 25, 2018, 04:17:44 PM |
A lot of project have delay in the implementation, so i think this is a normal thing and i read this like a will to positive intention to develop a stable product and secure. So don't fud for insignificant reason and wait with patience and you will be rewarded 
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
January 25, 2018, 04:41:11 PM |
A lot of project have delay in the implementation, so i think this is a normal thing and i read this like a will to positive intention to develop a stable product and secure. So don't fud for insignificant reason and wait with patience and you will be rewarded  insignificant reason?? they block coins so we can't sell. I asked them on telegram to unblock the coins the BANNED me for asking. This is no FUD i just want to sell my coins before we hit zero. They keep delaying and thats ok if i just could sell my coins. If you give criticism than it's FUD thats not fair there is lots to be critic about. I gave them my money, aren't we entitled to speak about what's wrong? but i dont care about all that ALL I WANT IS THAT WAGERR RELEASES THE HOSTAGE COINS FROM THE WEBSITE!!!!!!!
January 25, 2018, 04:54:13 PM |
A lot of project have delay in the implementation, so i think this is a normal thing and i read this like a will to positive intention to develop a stable product and secure. So don't fud for insignificant reason and wait with patience and you will be rewarded  insignificant reason?? they block coins so we can't sell. I asked them on telegram to unblock the coins the BANNED me for asking. This is no FUD i just want to sell my coins before we hit zero. They keep delaying and thats ok if i just could sell my coins. If you give criticism than it's FUD thats not fair there is lots to be critic about. I gave them my money, aren't we entitled to speak about what's wrong? but i dont care about all that ALL I WANT IS THAT WAGERR RELEASES THE HOSTAGE COINS FROM THE WEBSITE!!!!!!! I can understand your position and i also would like to have my coins to trade it how i want. I would only tell that many many project has delayed his promise but in many case, and this isnt the first time for me to invest, we see delay in roadmap, for example stratis the last one that i invested on. I think really that we will obtain soon the coin when Wager devs completed all the implementation. Sorry for my FUD accuse, also you have right, they have your money and also mine, but i'm trust that we will see the product before the World Cup 2018 and i suggest to hold the coin until that moment. Now for me isnt problem to wait the good product with patience. Have a nice trading
Jr. Member
Activity: 77
Merit: 1
January 25, 2018, 07:09:14 PM Last edit: January 25, 2018, 07:21:35 PM by justdox |
I believe in this project, I was interested in the ico stage. But a very large pit in terms of time, team must somehow correct the situation! When will the wagerrwallet be ready? When is it planned to be listed on other exchanges?
January 26, 2018, 02:15:21 AM |
As far as I know, devs are working hard and wagerr will be released, a bit late. Don't listen to fud.
Getting things right is a reasonable reason not to launch.
Having wagerr as blockchain: right idea Having wagerr anonymous: right idea Having masternode based: right idea Communications: a bit shit, but not totally bad (seems to be improving) Release execution: a bit late (can live with this, especially if they get it right... see above)
So far good choices. Really looking forward to network release
agree 100%... another project that got FUD'd hard was Blocknet. Then went on to do a 20x need to get the wallet & staking going. then we will really start moving.
Looking for the next 10x Small Cap for Q2 2018? $XBY (dApp Platform, New PoSign Algorithm), $SHIFT (dPoS Decentralized Web 3.0 on IFPS) & $BLOCK (Blockchain Agnostic DeX, atomic swaps) Twitter: @Vancitycrypto
January 26, 2018, 07:27:13 AM |
So what IS happening then? looks like you cant give an answer to that question either blind faith and a complete lack of reason is all I see here and its truly amazing to me also lol at the "fud fud fud" screams whenever you roll out facts. the price is already at alltime low if you havent noticed  FWIW I dumped this shitcoin at 12 cents and Im not looking back. I WILL come here to gloat and troll the bagholders though.
An account dedicated to shitting on one coin...*golf clap* We are at a low right now and you sold at $0.12..lost $0.39 per coin. At the $0.94 mark you lost $0.82 per coin. I'll make sure to do the opposite of what you do to make any profit. Regrets will cause people to FUD a project. He sold at 12 cents and has been waiting ever since to get back into Wagerr. It won't ever happen. The best decision for this guy is to buy back now before WGR is in the dollars. The pain will be much worse as the price increases. lol you guys are hilarious sure I just cant wait to get back into wagerr. its not like I sold it for much better projects a long time ago hahah Sure you did. If you have moved onto something better, why are you still here? Good thing bitcointalk just added the new merit ranks requirements. It looks like from your posts, you'll be a jr. member forever. Enjoy!
January 26, 2018, 10:06:55 AM |
Sharing news from Discord:
SuparTipstar - Yesterday at 06:40 We are happy to announce that we have identified and solved the Masternode Sync issue which affected our launch on the 15th. We are in the process of re-conducting pre-release testing on our private network, allowing our full team to ensure there are no further problems. On successful completion of our internal testing, we will provide another update to the community with a new release date and further details regarding launch. Thank you for your continued support & patience.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
January 26, 2018, 11:13:07 AM |
Sharing news from Discord:
SuparTipstar - Yesterday at 06:40 We are happy to announce that we have identified and solved the Masternode Sync issue which affected our launch on the 15th. We are in the process of re-conducting pre-release testing on our private network, allowing our full team to ensure there are no further problems. On successful completion of our internal testing, we will provide another update to the community with a new release date and further details regarding launch. Thank you for your continued support & patience.
Its not like the buyers got a choice since their coins are locked up hahahahha.