European Central Bank
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1087
May 15, 2017, 11:35:15 PM |
none. let them prove themselves in the open market. i'm not gonna get caught up in the games that happen in the early stages.
Activity: 3248
Merit: 1056
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
May 16, 2017, 01:51:55 AM |
Tezos the only one I'm looking at. They actually have development and a github to prove it. Sorry but I won't give projects my money with no product or development. Can't find a job? Start an ICO, become a CEO with 0 experience  oh well most of the scammers did that here, but like waht you have said i'm also looking for Tezos i'm curios and about to analyze the big potential of this certain project might be possible to be the next big successful project inside crypto, better to be early than fomo'ing after the success.
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Activity: 11
Merit: 0
May 16, 2017, 02:01:07 AM |
Aragon, Exscudo, Mysterium, and Patientory for me.
Sr. Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Sound. Fury. Signifying.
May 16, 2017, 02:07:22 AM |
MobileGo -- I like its simplicity. It's strictly a marketing fund to promote an app store built around the GameCredits token (> 2 years in development) that's ready to launch.
After that, Aragon and SONM. I'm also curious about Tezos, but mostly because some billionaire got involved.
May 16, 2017, 02:19:59 AM |
I understand the hype behind STATUS and BAT, but i don't understand the hype behind TEZOS...what am I missing?
and I actually invested in MobileGo and EncryptoTel already, I hope those are sucess
May 16, 2017, 04:41:14 AM |
Tezos the only one I'm looking at. They actually have development and a github to prove it. Sorry but I won't give projects my money with no product or development. Can't find a job? Start an ICO, become a CEO with 0 experience  Tezo is a solid project, buy I have this concern that the project would be oversold. Also, I'm looking into SONM, Mytsteriun and Aragon
Activity: 4228
Merit: 1481
Life, Love and Laughter...
May 16, 2017, 04:56:59 AM |
Tezos the only one I'm looking at. They actually have development and a github to prove it. Sorry but I won't give projects my money with no product or development. Can't find a job? Start an ICO, become a CEO with 0 experience  Tezo is a solid project, buy I have this concern that the project would be oversold. Also, I'm looking into SONM, Mytsteriun and Aragon I'm with you on Tezos. I think it being oversold is a good thing since you can always prefer to buy in the exchanges rather than in the ICO, if you really think it will fall below ICO price. One of my concerns with participating in the ICO is the delays with Bitcoin's transactions. I want to invest early for the 20% bonus but I'm afraid due to the slowness of Bitcoin, I could miss it. Would it be better to use ETH instead?
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Activity: 10
Merit: 0
May 17, 2017, 10:25:06 PM |
I'm new to the cryptocurrency world. Began by a very modest investment in Mobilego.
Apart from that I have my eyes on BAT & SONM. To me it seems BAT could be either revolutionary or a dud. But even if it proves revolutionary, there's always a chance that it will get a lot of good publicity but little in terms of revenue...

Activity: 96
Merit: 10
May 17, 2017, 11:12:34 PM |
I have noticed that nobody has mentioned Radix ICO next month in June...
This will be a completely functional currency with an Open Beta soon to follow the opening of the of the ICO. Here are just some of the features that are completely integrated within the client node:
decentralized Market decentralized exchange (DEX) decentralized email decentralized instant messaging direct to wallet debit card for point of sale merchants automated demand/supply using the DEX to stabilize the price of token built-in browser Turing complete Scrypto programming language compatible to ES6 Javascript alias names node incentive earnings and interest no mining necessary
and much more such as sub-second transactions and 1-2 seconds confirmations.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
May 17, 2017, 11:19:37 PM |
PrimalBase seems like an interesting project. Not sure if it's the most profitable, but definitely unique.
May 17, 2017, 11:28:11 PM |
I understand the hype behind STATUS and BAT, but i don't understand the hype behind TEZOS...what am I missing?
and I actually invested in MobileGo and EncryptoTel already, I hope those are sucess
STATUS looks good but not sure they will have tokens to trade
Activity: 854
Merit: 1000
May 17, 2017, 11:45:22 PM |
The only ICO I am looking forward to currently is CoinDash.The ICO is scheduled to be started on July and I am confident that it is going to be something huge. I may add more to list as I get to know about more 
May 18, 2017, 03:52:06 AM |
The only ICO I am looking forward to currently is CoinDash.The ICO is scheduled to be started on July and I am confident that it is going to be something huge. I may add more to list as I get to know about more  Any ANN link?Never heard of this project.
Activity: 2100
Merit: 1167
May 18, 2017, 08:14:32 AM |
I'm actually watching COINDASH project very closely. If the team can handle the responsibilities of the project, it could turn into a super one.
scam from those involved with getgemz
vatived22 (OP)
May 23, 2017, 08:23:06 PM |
For me ,is BAT and STATUS,and I hope Eth price will go down a little.
I do not see Eth price going down anytime soon except if there is a bubble.
vatived22 (OP)
May 23, 2017, 08:26:25 PM |
The only ICO I am looking forward to currently is CoinDash.The ICO is scheduled to be started on July and I am confident that it is going to be something huge. I may add more to list as I get to know about more  Any ANN link?Never heard of this project. this is their website
vatived22 (OP)
May 23, 2017, 08:30:01 PM |
I understand the hype behind STATUS and BAT, but i don't understand the hype behind TEZOS...what am I missing?
and I actually invested in MobileGo and EncryptoTel already, I hope those are sucess
STATUS looks good but not sure they will have tokens to trade They said they will be having a donation in June. In my view status is a NEVER MISS. I personally love the concept
Sr. Member
Activity: 1092
Merit: 250
Hodlers Network
May 23, 2017, 08:33:10 PM |
For me the next ICO that should become huge is SONM (Supercomputer Organized by Network Mining) and Tezos both are the next big thing in my mind 