I feel so happy having most of these pro-monaco fools on IGNORE because I cannot be bothered to read their trashy posts promoting the scam.
I like this guy sticking to his FUD script. Gets more humorous as Crypto.com with their awesome MCO card kick goal after goal after goal.
They have now shipped their platinum MCO Visa cards to Singapore and they are being used.
They have recently announced MCO cards coming to the USA and have nominated their partner which is public knowledge.
Next EU then the rest of the world.
As the company continues to go from strength to strength posters like this get shown up for what they are and practically ALL their posts about topics lose credibility as there is evidence and proof everywhere that they are full of it and just post out of hate not substance.
Even now there is building a solid base on how Crypto.com (MCO Card) have continued to progress since ICO as other companies have fallen by the wayside, this is now verifiably one of the more resilient crypto companies around by the simple fact they are still here for starters let alone now leading their field for innovative crypto card features.
GO Crypto.com