In regards to your landing page advertisement for "FAST-HASH-XX's":
Claim 80 GH/s from 4 modules, each producing 20GH/s. How can the modules produce 20GH/s if the chips produce 6?
Miner is priced in
BTC at 75, Module upgrades priced in dollars at $1500. Why the discrepancy in pricing mechanism?
You claim the miner is AM3+ compatible, and contains an AMD 8350. Why?
miner gets 66MH/w, assuming it only uses 1200 of the 1500 watt power supply, 53 if it runs at capacity. (Avalon is 100 if memory serves)
2GB ram, upgradeable to 32GB. Why?
USB 3.0. Why?
All your product pages are the same placeholder. Why?
" AMC is developing ASIC chips on the 45nm and soon the 28nm process. AMC's ASIC 45nm chips will have fast speeds of 6 to 9 GH/s with low power usage." Do you not have working chips yet? How do you propose to get from no working chips to shipping in 2 months?
When clicking "read more" on, the following shows up:
100 Fast-Hash-80's** @ 80 GH/s each for a total of: 8 TH/s Specifications: 110nm 282 MH/s chip 75 chips per board 4 boards per unit Estimated retail value @ ~$6,000 each for a total of $600,000 (Estimated to be delivered
August 2013)
100 Fast-Hash-80's** @ 80 GH/s each for a total of: 8 TH/s Specifications: 110nm 282 MH/s chip 75 chips per board 4 boards per unit Estimated retail value @ ~$6,000 each for a total of $600,000 (Estimated to be delivered
February 2013)
100 Fast-Hash-400's** @ 400 GH/s each for a total of: 40 TH/s Specifications: 45nm 6 GH/s chip 75 chips per board 1 board per unit Estimated retail value @ ~$30,000 each for a total of $3,000,000 (Estimated to be delivered
March 2014)
100 Fast-Hash-800's** @ 800 GH/s each for a total of: 80 TH/s Specifications: 45nm 6 GH/s chip 75 chips per board 2 boards per unit Estimated retail value @ ~$60,000 each for a total of $6,000,000 (Estimated to be delivered
May 2013)There is much, much more, but I think this is enough to answer to for now.