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Becouse of that

Relevant numbers for SunContract project
Now let us focus on Europe, first major market place for SunContract platform. Europe generated in 2016 3,831 TWh of electricity and consumed 3,342 TWh. Average price of kWh (kilo Watt-hours) for household in EU in 2016 was 0.205 EUR by statistical figures of Eurostat. Industrial price was 50% lower, 0.114 EUR per kWh. If we take middle price, 0.16 EUR per kWh than we can make rough approximation of European electricity market. 3,342 TWh accounts for 3 342 000 000 000 kWh annually. That would mean European electricity market solely is worth more than half a trillion of EUR (535 billion EUR).
This is a huge market. And we only took into account Europe which is not even the biggest electricity market. Chinese market is almost twice as big and still growing rapidly. USA is second biggest and on the third place is another emerging market, India. First three markets account for half of all electricity consumption on the world.
Now let us focus back on SunContract project. SunContract plan is NOT to become the biggest energy player on the world. People behind the project believe in decentralization. This is why overall plan is to be a smaller player on numerous markets. Goal is to achieve somewhere between 0.5% to 2% market share. Numbers depend on market size, smaller percent on big markets and slightly bigger percent on small markets, like Slovenia — launch pad of this project.
If this plan succeed, what would that mean for SunContract annual revenue?
I will take into calculation the most conservative numbers. Firstly, I will estimate what would mean if SunContract would be presented on whole European market and later I will estimate goals in first few years.
0.5% of total European market would mean yearly revenue close to 2.7 billion EUR. Current market price of SNC token, used for trading on SunContract platform, is 3.5 EUR cents or market cap of 4 million EUR. Market cap right now is 675 smaller from overall revenue goal of 0.5% European market share.
Case for Slovenia
SunContract’s plan is to test and present product first in Slovenia. How big is Slovenian electricity markets?
Below are provided some figures.
What is important for SunContract token holders is the fact that electricity demand is rising in all countries SunContract plans to enter. More important, Slovenia as a small country can be perfect base for future market entries. If SunContract project achieves 2% Slovenian market share than market values would be as follows:
Price of kWh in Slovenia is 0.163 EUR (0.083 EUR for industrial consumers) — middle price 0.123 EUR (Eurostat).
Annual production in kWh: 12,895,000,000 (Statistical office of the Republic of Slovenia).
Rough estimation of revenue: 1.6 billion EUR annually.
2% SunContract market share: 32 million EUR of annual revenue.
More realistic revenue (SunContract will not include trading for industry subjects): 42 million EUR of annual revenue.
This kind of annual revenue would be 8/11 times higher than current capitalization of SNC token. In addition, by my knowledge no other crowdfunded crypto project currently generates so much annual revenue.
Now you calculate your market price estimation and capitalization of SunContract project.
Explore SunContract project:
https://suncontract.orgSNC markets:
https://hitbtc.com/exchange/SNC-to-ETH and
https://www.reddit.com/r/suncontract/So SNC coin x10 easily in 2018