Quick updates on Cryptopia, the new web wallet, and NFA approval.
- Cryptopia is only briefly in maintenance mode; the updated source code was sent to them today. Trading will resume shortly.
- The web wallet development is still underway; release was scheduled for early Jan. but due to unforeseen circumstances there's a delay. Shouldn't take much longer regardless. (Side Note: if you're a blockchain developer or you know one, CompCoin is currently hiring. PM me to followup with that.)
- The NFA came back with what we're expecting to be the last round of revisions. For context, this is the ninth iteration and CompCoin is the first cryptocurrency to go through this process. That said, we're told that it's close and the approval process is almost complete - after which, trading will be available to non-accredited investors.
Thank you to those who've reached out with interest in earning bonus CMP with the launch of our new CompCoin project. I sincerely appreciate your interest and I haven't forgotten about you. I will be following up with details regarding that announcement soon.
Lastly, I'm going to share some very exciting news.
Fintech Investment Group, the company that created the CompCoin algorithms, is developing a new CompCoin product.
Here's the idea behind it: many private investors, particularly larger ones, want to hold a portfolio of cryptocurrency but don't know how to go through the process of acquiring it, i.e. signing up for different exchanges, verifying accounts, converting fiat, choosing coins, maintaining wallet security, etc.
People want to buy a portfolio of diversified cryptocurrency in one click. Soon, with CompCoin, they'll be able to do that.People will be able to access the investment platform and authorize Fintech Investment Group to trade on their behalf. Using CompCoin, they can then select a pre-weighted portfolio from a variety of options with different motifs and exposure to different segments within the crypto markets. Next, they
download their own private keys for safe keeping and reupload that file when they're ready to sell.
It's a turnkey investment management product that offers prepackaged coin portfolios to that large percentage of potential investors who don't know how to get skin in the game. This is revolutionary. And it's likely to be a huge price mover for CMP as these portfolios can only be purchased using CompCoin.
I know it's frustrating to be dealing with a tech team that has ambitious deadlines and is struggling to meet them. Believe me, I understand. It's important to realize that we're still so early in the tokenization aspect of this project - look at where CompCoin is in comparison to the vast majority of ICOs on the market that don't even have a line of code yet. Once the few remaining loose ends are tied up - and we have access to trading, exchanging, staking, and mining - the price will more accurately reflect the value of this asset. When that happens, you'd better hold onto your seats. We've already gotten a taste of that price movement as the
entire order book on Cryptopia was bought out a couple days ago. This was following an investor seminar Alan hosted in North Carolina. There's a lot happening behind the scenes.
CompCoin is different than every other digital asset; the value will be proven and it's price will rise. We're in the middle of a market correction right now, and make no mistake, money will be consolidated into coins that have tangible value. Tokenized, enterprise-grade products will rise to the top.
I've got a couple more exciting things to share but will be back soon with that news. Please PM me if I didn't answer your question or address your concern. Several people have sent messages expressing their appreciation for these updates. Thank you for that. I'm here for you guys. We're a community. We're all in this together. We are going to the moon.
Until then, just sit back and try to enjoy the ride - bumpy though it may be.