I apologize if this question is in any way naive.. I'm not really any kind of economics expert. I was just wondering what might happen to the world economy since there are so many new people getting rich off these cryptocurrencies... Just based off speculation or holding the right coins a lot of people have gained in wealth in the past years. And it doesn't seem to be slowing down.
So, you have a lot of 'new money' propagating even 'newer money'... and so on and so on, until a lot of people are pretty rich. Does this mean that there is a huge depression ahead of us? Surely just making more and more money can't go on forever, can it?
I'm sure I'm not seeing the big picture here so please, could someone explain it to me?
Basically everything is set for a massive recession due to poor wages, poorer people, everything shooting up in cost (well beyond inflation), housing bubble caused by "starter homes" being bought up by boomers and turned into expensive flip properties or rental properties resulting in money being thrown away into bank accounts that will never move. Student loans are also a major thing here.
Same thing is happening in crypto; old money is buying in, causing those with a vested interest (new money) to gain value and take money from the average money individual.
Basically put; everything is propagating a bubble and it will be much worse than 2008 at this rate. New money just pushes everything up. If they get value at the bottom of the barrel during the next recession, then they will walk away with a lot of value. If they just invest now, they're making a bubble that'll just have a bigger pop.