xdev (OP)
Jr. Member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
August 08, 2017, 12:47:37 PM |
We soon have Bitcoin with SegWit and Bitcoin Cash just debuted this week with 8 MB block size.
Whats the future and the use of Litecoin at current? I'm expecting Bitcoin Cash to get support and functionality within the coming months that Litecoin never managed in its ~8 years of life.
Why are people still investing into Litecoin?
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
August 08, 2017, 01:00:08 PM |
Litecoin is already well adopted and often used instead of bitcoin for the transfer of money due to its speed, it is also fairly stable relative to some cryptos. Litecoin has technologies such as Lightning that Bitcoin cash does and will not have. IMO Bitcoin cash has got some catching up to do if it wants to challenge litecoin.
August 08, 2017, 01:01:18 PM |
why do you think bitcoin cash will get more support than litecoin?
bitcoin cash is created and backed by very shady people and most people already know it and are thinking twice before going near it. right now everyone is treating it as an air drop and a volatile speculation tool on exchanges to make more money from.
on top of it you are comparing the litecoin development team who have been around for as long as bitcoin and are perfectly trusted with a bunch of shady people behind BCC who have very shady goals!
and besides what does 8 MB really offer? nothing. litecoin still has 4 times faster transaction than the 8 MB thing!
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xdev (OP)
Jr. Member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
August 08, 2017, 01:16:41 PM |
why do you think bitcoin cash will get more support than litecoin?
bitcoin cash is created and backed by very shady people and most people already know it and are thinking twice before going near it. right now everyone is treating it as an air drop and a volatile speculation tool on exchanges to make more money from.
on top of it you are comparing the litecoin development team who have been around for as long as bitcoin and are perfectly trusted with a bunch of shady people behind BCC who have very shady goals!
and besides what does 8 MB really offer? nothing. litecoin still has 4 times faster transaction than the 8 MB thing!
You make some valid points, but I wouldn't call BCH team shady. If anything, there is an actual creator and an actual team behind it. Bitcoin was created by an unknown guy using an alias and still people put all they have into it. Same goes for Litecoin who also has an actual creator and an actual team behind it. But to be fair, you both make good points. I recognize that BCH indeed have some catching up and lots to prove itself, but it seems to be taken fairly well with the community so far considering the price is nearly 400$ again
August 08, 2017, 01:21:04 PM |
People invested in Litecoin even when everyone believed the coin was dead and worth less than $5. Litecoin still has much lower fees and will be a testnet for future updates
August 08, 2017, 01:25:28 PM |
BCH has a block size of 8 MB but currently BCH transactions are still in a long time. Due to the lack of interest of miners to mine BCH. I think LTC is better than BCH in transaction speed.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
August 08, 2017, 01:30:08 PM |
Litecoin is still a fast and stable way to transfer funds. It's nothing revolutionary, but it just works. But yes, now that BTC is hardforked into BTC and BTH, it's totally possible that LTC is not needed anymore that much. Right now BTC is in the spotlight, so the price fluctuates more (that's not sth you want to have when you actually want to calculate with USD or EUR). bitcoin cash is created and backed by very shady people and most people already know it and are thinking twice before going near it. right now everyone is treating it as an air drop and a volatile speculation tool on exchanges to make more money from.
Not really. There are solid programmers behind BCH and a good community. I know I won't change your mind on this subject, but if anyone want's to read up the story why we have 2 Bitcoins now, have a look: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/6rxw7k/informative_btc_vs_bch_articles/dl8v4lp/Also, BCH will get a faster when the difficulty get's easier, but it will be another few weeks. tl;dr: Litecoin is still a good way to transfer funds.
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1417
August 08, 2017, 01:33:00 PM |
Red-Apple and Kanapka have pretty much summed it up. Bitcoin cash has a long way to go to convince people of its advantage's over Litecoin. I too have bought Litecoin and I'm holding with confidence.
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August 08, 2017, 01:45:53 PM |
We soon have Bitcoin with SegWit and Bitcoin Cash just debuted this week with 8 MB block size.
Whats the future and the use of Litecoin at current? I'm expecting Bitcoin Cash to get support and functionality within the coming months that Litecoin never managed in its ~8 years of life.
Why are people still investing into Litecoin?
Just like Bitcoin, Litecoin also was declared dead many times over the years, still both alive and well, making all time highs. You should question why Bitcoin Cash was created and does it really have a bright future? Will people go for a centralized version of bitcoin?
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1252
August 08, 2017, 02:29:22 PM |
why do you think bitcoin cash will get more support than litecoin?
bitcoin cash is created and backed by very shady people and most people already know it and are thinking twice before going near it. right now everyone is treating it as an air drop and a volatile speculation tool on exchanges to make more money from.
on top of it you are comparing the litecoin development team who have been around for as long as bitcoin and are perfectly trusted with a bunch of shady people behind BCC who have very shady goals!
and besides what does 8 MB really offer? nothing. litecoin still has 4 times faster transaction than the 8 MB thing!
Litecoin already does everything Bitcoin Cash but better, and it has malleability protection, because it has segwit. But the loons that think segwit is a mistake and will make Bitcoin crash may find value in Bitcoin Cash. Right now... Litecoin is not looking good in my opinion. Bitcoin has segwit, that was the main reason Litecoin pumped, because Bitcoin didn't had segwit yet.
Activity: 1652
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August 08, 2017, 02:35:31 PM |
Litecoin is already well adopted and often used instead of bitcoin for the transfer of money due to its speed, it is also fairly stable relative to some cryptos. Litecoin has technologies such as Lightning that Bitcoin cash does and will not have. IMO Bitcoin cash has got some catching up to do if it wants to challenge litecoin.
It really isn't. See the following: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/litecoin-transactions.htmlIt's only managing about 19,000 transactions in a 24 hour period. Coins like Ethereum have surpassed bitcoin with over 312,000 transactions, and even ethereum classic managed about 36,000 transactions.
August 08, 2017, 02:38:35 PM |
August 08, 2017, 02:48:23 PM |
I think LITECOIN has always been better than bitcoin and is also better than Bitcoin cash . Litecoin has faster transaction processing speed and transaction fees is very low as well. Litecoin is a very popular altcoin and it has a large market capital. i think litecoin will show development in coming years.
Sr. Member
Activity: 646
Merit: 252
PNNV.COM Live bitcoin price monitor
August 08, 2017, 03:01:17 PM |
I think LITECOIN has always been better than bitcoin and is also better than Bitcoin cash . Litecoin has faster transaction processing speed and transaction fees is very low as well. Litecoin is a very popular altcoin and it has a large market capital. i think litecoin will show development in coming years.
You are having it bull's eye, bro. When it comes to transaction speed as well as transaction fees, Litecoin surpasses bitcoin. It is just bitcoin has really gained much popularity and trust being the original and king of all cryptos.
Activity: 2744
Merit: 1288
August 08, 2017, 03:04:56 PM |
We soon have Bitcoin with SegWit and Bitcoin Cash just debuted this week with 8 MB block size.
Whats the future and the use of Litecoin at current? I'm expecting Bitcoin Cash to get support and functionality within the coming months that Litecoin never managed in its ~8 years of life.
Why are people still investing into Litecoin?
After Bittcoin fork I expected all Bitcoin clones to lose their value, but I guess that will not be the case. Litecoin is not only Bitcoin fork, there are plenty of them. Dash, Zcash, Dooge, DigiByte, ...
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
August 08, 2017, 03:07:37 PM |
I aggree that BCC seems a serious contender for 2nd place as (smaller than bitcoin) payment option. LTC will have to fight it out. Im siding with LTC. But diversification cant be bad in these cases. Hold both untill a victor claims his spot as the rightfull 2nd
August 08, 2017, 03:27:16 PM |
Why do people use dogecoin? because it is adopted. Litecoin may surprise the community with new development ideas, everybody already knows that after litecoin, bitcoin will implement segwit.
xdev (OP)
Jr. Member
Activity: 59
Merit: 10
August 08, 2017, 03:36:35 PM |
Honestly, reading some of what Charlie Lee is saying just make it seem like there is a conflict between the founder and the supporters of the coin.
I'm not speaking for every Litecoin holder right now, but I would expect that most of the supporters want the coin to grow and to become more adopted and widely used. But it seems like the founder is pleased with the direction of Litecoin and that it will forever be in Bitcoins shadow. Not sure what you guys think? I'm not saying its bad with a coin that is aging well and that doesn't have any large dips like most altcoints. But what if the community grows tired of the lack of progress and if a majority of the supporters would decide to jump ship?
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
August 14, 2017, 10:00:16 AM |
Litecoin is an encoding currency, based on the Peer to Peer platform, which is also based on Bitcoin's own performance, but with its own signature, litecoin uses a cryptographic platform instead of a SHA256 like Bitcoin. At this point it helps the exploit of virtual currency at the same time can exploit Bitcoin and Litecoin, without being ...
Sr. Member
Activity: 518
Merit: 251
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August 14, 2017, 10:13:00 AM |
I dont think BCH will take over litecoin, but BCH isn't going anywhere for along time.