i think bitcoin will be $5000 because people's are really exciting with segwit activation.only 3 blocks before segwit activation and we can start to party.
Nah, the bitcoin price still at $4,145 after 23 August but it's better actually than the last 2 days. In my opinion, the price of bitcoin will stable around $4,000. Actually the price already increase even before 23 August, so i don't know is 23 August makes the bitcoin price increase or not.
Bitcoin price was stable and no changes after August 23, 2017. I think before end of August 2017 bitcoin value is reach the $4000-$4300 but hoping that it was increase more rather than my expectation.
Yes you are right that nowadays the price of bitcoin is stable and it is not goes to increasing now because nowdays its price is stable to 4100$ and 4200$. But more, you are right, that its price will be more increasing our expectations after the months of August.