Pls check yours blocks
type for:
Windows Wallet
Go Tools/Debug console and type : getpeerinfo
Linux VPS
type bitcloud-cli getinfo
If blocks = then ok
If not then synch your blockchain new.
Synch the blockchain (fast Version)
Stop the Wallet (linux: bitcloud-cli stop)
go to bitcloud root (for Windows: cd %appdata%\bitcloud for: Linux: cd /root/.bitcloud/
delete peers.dat (linux: rm peers.dat)
delete Folders blocks, chainstate and database (linux: rm blocks/ -r && rm chainstate/ -r && rm database/ -r)
open bitcloud.conf (linux: nano bitcloud.conf)
connect= (or other bitcloud node)
Start Wallet and wait (linux: bitcloudd -daemon)
after synch stop wallet again and undo list=0 and connect in the bitcloud.conf