This is the first time I've read a well cooked effort of black propaganda to jeopardize a project.
Obvious Troll is Obvious
PARAGON project offers a very promising way to integrate various data such as patient ID anonymously, lab tests,etc, within the blockchain, which is in line to government regulations compliance
There are disputes between testing facilities as to the efficacy of their competitors tests... which still doesn't have any need to be on the block chain. Patient ID will be a moot point in the next 5-10 years as I bet you it will be recreational across the US. Do you wonder why liquor stores havn't integrated blockchain to track buyers and quality tests of batches?.... I don't. It seems if something isn't broken and actually works completely fine, then dont fix it. Sure there is the fact that they're not strictly targeting the US but come on...they're targeting the US... I highly, highly, highly doubt that they were going to let this stupid 'shared' (lol) space end up anywhere but the US. These biatches be money hungry af and the US is set to be the biggest consumer/producer of cannabis in the next years. And if their reddit history is any indication, these f'ers would've plugged their stupid pay-to-vote bs to make sure it ended up wherever they needed it to.
Didn't some people pay like $2 or something per coin at the end of sale? Not positive as I've almost erased this useless crap from my memory without even trying, but I'm fairly certain I remember $2 or maybe even $2.50....
Is it at like $0.08 right now?...
Iirc and it was over $ god. I'm so sorry you guys. I lost like $50 in value in MAID back in the day (aka like 5 years ago lol) and felt so stupid for huffing hopium...I at least think coins in the beginning all generally had good intentions. I can't say the same about this one, and fairly certain most of you lost more than $50.... I'm 100% serious I feel for you, and if you never get your money back from this one use it as a lesson for the future. You wont likely get rich off crypto in even a year or 2. But if you pick the right one with the right fundamentals and wait for some (semi)natural adoption, your wait, although difficult, will be totally worth it.
The idea is good, so that cannabis can better reflect the value, but the legalization of cannabis is too small, which will inevitably limit the development of the project.
Where i am living it is more popular to legalize gay marriage. Politicians fighting for their own interests..
I still wonder how those people manage to make babies. Or gay babies. Or whatever.
One of their missions is to create workspaces so that various trades such as lawyers, traders, scientists can advance on projects in order to end the ban and thus allow the medical and recreational use of cannabis for consumers.
Not needed and no one asked for it. Those same people have been working hard towards these ends (and sadly usually with the 'elites' making stupid bank while the plebs get jack all) have been doing it for decades anyway, and honestly nothing they end up coming up with will likely do anything. The wheel's already in motion so it's an irrelevant proposition at least for the US. Since when did people have to go sit down at a starbucks (but getting stoned and buying stupid merch) to create change?... MAYBE it's viable for other countries but I highly doubt some russian cyber-weirdo and his wanna-be-crypto-enthusiast girlfriend are going to be the reason countries other than the US choose to legalize marijuana. Many countries already have such lax laws it's a don't ask don't tell thing, and countless others are already on the way to making weed legal as the benefits outweigh any old school social stigmas.
Please wake up or stop shilling. This project is literally doing worse than any other project I've seen or had the pleasure of throwing $200 into
As Cannabis legalizes in Canada, 28 states of US, Australia and few European countries, the business will really boom. Paragon Coin is the superior coins while others being Pot Coin, hemp and Cann coin are there, but PRG stands out...That being said, this coin has a dark image before but thats cleared up. Now we’ve seen better volumes and prices for the coin
But if cannabis will legalized anywhere - it will be simple to buy as a cigarettes. What the value od cryptocurrency for legal products when it more safe, faster and cheaper to buy for fiat money?
Thank god. Logic in this thread. I know there are lots of logical people here but it seems to be they're just focusing on what the team has(n't) done yet when if you looked at it from the beginning, it was obvious there's no real use-case for this shit vapor coin.
Many people bought in on the off chance some hype would pump the price up. Those who bought because of the hype and literally think it "just has to succeed because, crypto is hyped, and weed is can we fail?!?!?"
Well, those people are royally screwed. Sell on hype. Sell on hype. Sell on hype.
Yeah let's help revolutionize the Cannabis industry by suing these RACHET SCAMMERS!
All persons or entities who purchased or otherwise acquired ParagonCoins (“PRG Tokens”) pursuant to Paragon Coin, Inc.’s Initial Coin Offering between approximately August 15, 2017 and October 16, 2017. You are hereby notified that Levi & Korsinsky initiated the class action Davy v. Paragon Coin, Inc. (3:18-cv-00671) in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. To get more information go to: So freaking legit. Very happy about this.
What about a weed coin that's backed by so much bud per coin. Like a commodity crypto. Say for example Onegramgold. Now that would be interesting.
Whats the point? Seriously what's the point in backing it when we have CASH in every country, and in the event we want to hold stores of value we can just buy said bud....said gold....etc.
I don't ever trust to just hold my money in someone else's hands but I get a certificate that says I own it and I can trade the certificate....