Who in the course tell me how to coin money coins by sending money to myetherwallet? I used to do it through a contract in my wallet, but there's no name for PoSToken. What I can not understand.
I think you want to know how to stake PoS without using contract.
It is very simple, just send 0 (zero) PoS to yourself with appropriate GAS price (check ethgasstation).
More detailed explanation I posted for someone few weeks ago and updated a bit:
1. Check PoS token calculator to see how many PoS tokens you are due
2. Check ethgasstation for current level of GAS needed on ETH network
3. Open myetherwallet and send 0(zero) PoS to yourself (same sending and receiving address). Don't worry if transaction trows an error, it happens quite often and you will receive tokens anyway. Just make sure to set enough GWEI for transaction
4. Check your balance on myetherwalet or etherdelta (forkdelta should be ok as well). Ethplorer and Etherscan have quite a big delay before they show correct balance. Alternatively you can manually update the balance in etherscan by clicking on PoS token and than on tokenholder (your ETH address)
Hope I managed to help you.