I didn't realize that you changed the rules.
I'm very disappointed,
- higher minimum (forgive me but I hardly can believe you did it to make a favour to someone who wanted more satoshis in their wallet)
- much lower maximum reward per claim,
- no more Potion Store,
- dungeons reward completely destroyed,
- but still a lot of Ads, pop-ups, pop-under...
I loved your faucet and I also wrote some emails to tell you that but now...well, I will
TRY to reach the minimum to be paid and I will leave your faucet.
We know BTC value is raising a lot and you have to earn, of course, but I think the changes you made are too much to be justified by BTC value.
I can also understand that the way PotionCoin was before it was to attract more users, but the amount of changes (in worst for the users) you made is totally unfair in respect of who let you grow so much (users). I think you could find a compromise, but it's a business so...ok.
Last thing, you say your faucet is still the best around. Well it depends! Sorry.
Because you have no time and
had a nice reward per claim (I am thinking about my actual potion 25 sat/claim, that is ending) I could spend my precious time only on your faucets and earn a good amount of sats. It doesn't worth anymore to sit in front of the pc with actual PotionCoin setup.
Now, I am sorry to destroy your dreams, I can simply put some other faucets together, faucets with 5 or 10 minutes of cool down, as a hand-made-rotator and earn way much more than with the actual configuration of Potion Coin.
It has been a joy to use your faucet until now, I thank you for your effort and, again, my compliments for your skill.
Technically speaking PotionCoin remains undefeated and very original.
See you, good luck