I can see 1908 ETH has been collected from 804 contributors during the pre-sale stage, I want to know what is the pre-sale price since I want to know if there is any bonus for the pre-sale and then I will make a decision whether I will join in the formal ico or not.
Presale was @ €0.37/GET, ICO will be @ €0.42/€0.44/€0.47/€0.49 per GET.
I remember 0.50€ per GET buyback guarantee by team. Isn't that a guaranteed profit for ICO investors? Does that apply to everybody or only for bounty participants?
Here: We will award %0.2 of whole token supply in the first round. It is equal to 180 000 GUTS Tokens. With our smart protocol, there will be a
€0.50 buyback guarantee per token.
The buyback guarantee applies for everyone.
From the blog:
The GET-Protocol buy-back mechanism
The protocol's token, the GET, has to be acquired by event organizers in order to use the protocol smart ticketing contracts that are able to transact with the consumers smart wallets.
The event organizer (EO) is not able to directly acquire GET from the open market, the EO purchases the GET needed to ticket a certain event from the stability fund(SF).
The price the EO will pay per GET to the SF is dependent on the market GET price average provided by the GET price Oracle (GPO).
The SFs programming dictates that the price per GET will not be lower than €0.50 per GET (even if the GPO indicates that the GET price on exchanges is lower).
As the EO will pay at least €0.50 per GET it buys from the stability fund, the SF will always offer the open market token holder with at least that same price.
If the average price on the exchanges listing GET is for example €2.50, the EO will have to pay the same amount in FIAT but will receive less GET in return from the SF.
A higher GET price thus won't hurt the competitiveness of the ticketing protocol as the net costs (in FIAT) for the EO aren't effected by the price inflation of the token.
This mechanism provides the EO with a stable protocol price while providing the token holder on the open market with a certain level of investment security.