I want to join this project, good job!
PC1:windows7 pro 64bits,chrome,GT730,i5 6300HQ
PC2: windows7 pro 64bits,chrome,GTX1050TI,i7 3770
Apple iPhone 7:iOS 11.2.2
coin8coin referred me ,thanks!
Thanks for your interest, Ricky, everything looks good, we'll see you soon!
PC1: Windows xp Browser: Chrome,
PC2: WINdows 7 Browser: Chrome,
PC2:windows 2008 Browser: Chrome,
coin8coin referred me
Hi there, this looks good except Windows XP might be a problem since Chrome XP support ended some time ago. It will be interesting to see how it works compared to your other machines.
I would like to participate
1.Windows 10,CPU:Interl(R) Core(TM)i5-7200U,Browser:Google Chrome
2.Android7.1.1,CPU:Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 Processor,Browser:Google Chrome
coin8coin referred me
Thanks, qwlsnow, always good to see a friend of coin8coin! Both systems look great, thanks for your interest.