KryptoKings (OP)
October 19, 2017, 02:32:25 PM |
Can anybody tell me when the ICO finishs?
I just checked their website but cant find an enddate. However if they reach the hardcap of 100.000 Ethereums the ICO is finished. Is it possible that an ICO (of Napoleonx in this case) has no end date? Usually an ICO lasts one month. it can't not have an end-date. ICO = INITIAL coin offering  The end date will be 4th January 2018. All other dates have just been communicated earlier in the Thread. Let's see whether we can reach our Hidden cap earlier than this date ...
October 19, 2017, 02:38:09 PM |
Will any video from paris bc conf. be available for non participants? greatly appreciated if shared.
Yes, we have made a video of the event that is still on Arnaud's phone. We will download it soon on our Youtube channel. We are also preparing a video on our beta version of our index publisher that should be ready in the next few days. To check all our videos, go to thank you very much, i will check the video if it is upload on your platform soon  having insight into the doings of the developers is always a good thing for us investors 
October 19, 2017, 02:40:33 PM |
Announcement : the pre-ICO will start on nov 12th and the ICO will start on dec 4th. is this right ? community is power now , why should we wait for long time .
KryptoKings (OP)
October 19, 2017, 02:40:52 PM |
Reading back the last pages I think NaPoleonX should really make a super simple brochure that explains the idea without the technobabble. Maybe risking it loses some of its mystery, but now a lot of people have barely an idea what they are investing in.
I agree, since everybody is asking about it, i read several articles, but cant find any information about how the bot works. So far I read this ''NaPoleonX will benefit from a large range of existing trading systems developed by an experienced team in financial markets'' We have written a Blackpaper in which we are exposing the top 10 strategies among a much wider range of strategies that we would propose to launch the first 10 DAFs. In this paper, we explain in depth how we will structure these products and give some detailed elements on the strategies behind, with a one pager per strategy. You can find our paper there blackpaper.napoleonx.aiUnfortunately, if you want the underlying code, we won't provide it as we don't want every one to use our bots for free. However to give investors some comfort we have developed a beta version of our index publisher that will host our strategies, everything being certified by the use of Blockchain in the very near future. the address is username = "napoleonx", password = "demo" Feedback appreciated It is very good news to release a beta. I can't try it now but will try it later definitely. It is way better to have a beta before ico rather than only whitepapers. I looked at the beta but it seemed so technical to me. hopefully they'll do a tutorial on it. Yes, when you firstly open the beta it's all pretty new and complicated. A video with a tutorial how exaclty everything works would be nice. Yes, a video will be released soon on the functioning of the beta version and the Blockchain part of it. This is how we incorporate the Proof of Performance in our Platform in order to give potential investors confidence into the products they would be buying.
October 19, 2017, 02:43:54 PM |
i am sure that NapoleonX will raise many money, i have no worries, the cap of 25k eth will be reached.  The project has a great visibility and the team have worked hard on a lot of events.
KryptoKings (OP)
October 19, 2017, 02:49:09 PM |
I am trying to understand the blackpaper. I get stuck here:
"Market timing: For each underlying, we have built our bots on 2 types of engines (with specificities): 1. trend following engines to collect risk premium on the upside as a strategic exposure (“the trend is your friend”) 2. mean reversion engines as a tactical tool to couple with a volatility approach. Over time, we may develop different approaches and incorporate them in order to enhance DAFs’ investors returns during the pre-defined voting process described in our Whitepaper."
I understand that the trend is your friend. How does a mean reversion engine help with volatility ?
For the 2. volatility helps as what you are trying to capture is noise around an attraction point. If prices are sticky, when they move they do not come back. When prices are volatile, they usually revisit intial levels and hence you are able to make a profit. However, it would be noted that on the long term prices tend to follow trend following models whereas on a much shorter scale, they tend to mean revert.
October 19, 2017, 02:50:46 PM |
There was an announcement on Telegram from Arnaud Dartois:
Announcement : the pre-ICO will start on nov 12th and the ICO will start on dec 4th.
Thank you ) How long will the ICO last? 1 month?
KryptoKings (OP)
October 19, 2017, 02:56:15 PM |
i believe that they will make changes to the platform by taking our answers into account  it is still a beta and is just showing off, ok, we have here something working, not final, but working  You are right. The point of having a beta version is to get feedback from the users. Also, you have to understand that the platform we need to launch will have much more features, including the voting system, that what you can see today. The reason we are raising money is to have enough manpower to tackle all the issues. In our project, we need R&D to develop performing trading bots, which we have, we need the index publisher to check the Proof of Performance mark, we need the voting system to give governance to our NPX token holders. We will want to also have additional features such as an education section, a reporting section ... This cannot be done overnight with our current team, at least not quickly enough to please us and our future investors.
October 19, 2017, 02:58:37 PM |
Reading back the last pages I think NaPoleonX should really make a super simple brochure that explains the idea without the technobabble. Maybe risking it loses some of its mystery, but now a lot of people have barely an idea what they are investing in.
I agree, since everybody is asking about it, i read several articles, but cant find any information about how the bot works. So far I read this ''NaPoleonX will benefit from a large range of existing trading systems developed by an experienced team in financial markets'' We have written a Blackpaper in which we are exposing the top 10 strategies among a much wider range of strategies that we would propose to launch the first 10 DAFs. In this paper, we explain in depth how we will structure these products and give some detailed elements on the strategies behind, with a one pager per strategy. You can find our paper there blackpaper.napoleonx.aiUnfortunately, if you want the underlying code, we won't provide it as we don't want every one to use our bots for free. However to give investors some comfort we have developed a beta version of our index publisher that will host our strategies, everything being certified by the use of Blockchain in the very near future. the address is username = "napoleonx", password = "demo" Feedback appreciated It is very good news to release a beta. I can't try it now but will try it later definitely. It is way better to have a beta before ico rather than only whitepapers. I looked at the beta but it seemed so technical to me. hopefully they'll do a tutorial on it. Yes, when you firstly open the beta it's all pretty new and complicated. A video with a tutorial how exaclty everything works would be nice. Yes, a video will be released soon on the functioning of the beta version and the Blockchain part of it. This is how we incorporate the Proof of Performance in our Platform in order to give potential investors confidence into the products they would be buying. That's great news indeed. A video demonstation in this stage of the project should be enough to satisfy most people. BTW you can PM me my special invite for the demo test ^^
KryptoKings (OP)
October 19, 2017, 03:02:24 PM |
I am still not 100% sure what I can do with the demo. For now it's just to look things up, like the performance of the bot and audits, right? You can't vote on bots or did I miss it? Yeah, that is right. The demo just shows the theoretical profits and losses the algorithms developed by NaPoleonCrypto would have gotten if they ran it in the last 23 years. That is why the beta site has the subtitle "Index Publisher". It is not a beta of the investing platform. Its an interesting presentation but we all know its just theoretical. Unfortunately theory doesnt always work in trading so we will have to wait for an actual results of their bots after the full version. You are touching one of the more fundamental point in our value proposal: execution risk. We have opted for low frequency trading, and in the Blackpaper all our strategies have weekly / monthly signals ie very few trades per year. In this case, the execution risk is very limited. It would have been completely different should have we launched High Frequency strategies where execution would be a key component of the P&L. When you have a trade that has a 3-5% monthly return with a 2x max trade, and that for each trade, you are executiing at market close where liquidity is in the several hundred of million, your execution cost is in the 0-10bps (0.1%) bracket ie negligeable vs your return expectation.
KryptoKings (OP)
October 19, 2017, 03:12:42 PM |
In The black paper I see also there is a algorithm to predict long term futures on Forex's Like Sp500 and HSI. Will the algorithm also be used for forex?
First time I ever quoted myself. However my question got lost in all the post in this topic, still hoping somebody can give me an answer  You are right that we could develop bots to trade Forex as opposed to Equity indices. However return in this space are usually more limited because volatility is lower than in equities and you need to more than compensate on leverage. To be opened, we have developed a bot on EUR / USD exchange rate with a Sharpe of more than 1.25x, however, we are still doing some research on the execution side as the forex market is a 24/24 market. As we have said all along, we are presenting only a fraction of what we have in store in our Blackpaper. In due time, we will propose these additional bots once we have launched the first 10 DAFs.
October 19, 2017, 03:30:48 PM |
i am sure that NapoleonX will raise many money, i have no worries, the cap of 25k eth will be reached.  The project has a great visibility and the team have worked hard on a lot of events. i am sure too the cap will be easy reach the team do a good job, has been well publicized and project is valid,i just hope the bot will be performing/well functioning already from the first release...
October 19, 2017, 03:33:56 PM |
No, ICO will be probably in the beginning of Novebmer. But they didnt announce exact date as I know.
We have an important ICO Summit in Paris next Monday and following, there will be a few announcements for the details of our ICO. We are frustrated to have delay our initial plan, but given the complexity of what we are trying to set up, it is for the better. And with this added time, we are making a lot of deals at the moment at different levels (Advisors, operations, marketing and sales) that will boost even more this ICO. Please be a little patient as we have truly great news that will come in the next few days / weeks. We are committed to make this a success that will not be blocked by Regulators or banks afterwards as it happened in a certain number of ICOs over the last months. I am glad you delayed you ICO since now the small crypto crisis is recovering and you will attract more investors later one for sure. Of course the fact, that you are preparing more news and announcements in the next few days is also a huge contributing factor and will raise the awareness of people. We have just released our new dates: - Pre ICO from 12th November until 3rd December 2017 - ICO from 4th December until 4th January 2018 Following our discussion with Kramer Levin, our legal Advisor, we will release a New Whithepaper tonight that will simplify our structuring: - our token will be an "asset" token that will represent licencing fees perceived over the rental of trading bots by the DAFs, so clearly excluding the "security" token definition - no vote will now be required now to earn the 85% of our Botons (performance fees or rental fees) - NPX token holders will still be the ones deciding on the launch of a new DAF We also hope to announce new widely recognized Advisors to our project in the days to come. We will of course communicate in this case. Oh that's good to hear. I especially like that you will release a new whitepaper, maybe it will be easier to understand for not so technical used people 
October 19, 2017, 03:48:40 PM |
- no vote will now be required now to earn the 85% of our Botons (performance fees or rental fees) Yeah, that was a strange part in the whitepaper. If you were in a DAF but had not voted on a strategy, it seemed you would still have to pay Botons without getting any Botons in return.
October 19, 2017, 03:55:30 PM |
i am sure that NapoleonX will raise many money, i have no worries, the cap of 25k eth will be reached.  The project has a great visibility and the team have worked hard on a lot of events. i am sure too the cap will be easy reach the team do a good job, has been well publicized and project is valid,i just hope the bot will be performing/well functioning already from the first release... 25k still is a lot of money! But normally it would be no problem for NapoleonX, I'm sure they will have a ton of investors waiting to invest. After all the events they have been to, all the presentations, ... they have a lot of connections in the finance world. I'm sure they will have investors who will invest a lot!
Sr. Member
Activity: 1150
Merit: 260
October 19, 2017, 04:16:28 PM |
Will any video from paris bc conf. be available for non participants? greatly appreciated if shared.
Yes, we have made a video of the event that is still on Arnaud's phone. We will download it soon on our Youtube channel. We are also preparing a video on our beta version of our index publisher that should be ready in the next few days. To check all our videos, go to Nice! It is always good to have videos, especially if they feature the startup company team, and supporters. It helps to create a transparency within a networks framework, as well as encourages investors to support a seemingly legitimate cause.
October 19, 2017, 04:49:12 PM |
i am sure that NapoleonX will raise many money, i have no worries, the cap of 25k eth will be reached.  The project has a great visibility and the team have worked hard on a lot of events. i am sure too the cap will be easy reach the team do a good job, has been well publicized and project is valid,i just hope the bot will be performing/well functioning already from the first release... 25k still is a lot of money! But normally it would be no problem for NapoleonX, I'm sure they will have a ton of investors waiting to invest. After all the events they have been to, all the presentations, ... they have a lot of connections in the finance world. I'm sure they will have investors who will invest a lot! They will be able to reach their goals, the project is solid and very legitimate, the founders answer questions and they promote the project in lot of conferences, so we have a lot of support already, by the 12th nov, we will have a lot of investors getting in, and because is after the forks, lot of money will get here  .
October 19, 2017, 04:53:39 PM |
No, ICO will be probably in the beginning of Novebmer. But they didnt announce exact date as I know.
We have an important ICO Summit in Paris next Monday and following, there will be a few announcements for the details of our ICO. We are frustrated to have delay our initial plan, but given the complexity of what we are trying to set up, it is for the better. And with this added time, we are making a lot of deals at the moment at different levels (Advisors, operations, marketing and sales) that will boost even more this ICO. Please be a little patient as we have truly great news that will come in the next few days / weeks. We are committed to make this a success that will not be blocked by Regulators or banks afterwards as it happened in a certain number of ICOs over the last months. I am glad you delayed you ICO since now the small crypto crisis is recovering and you will attract more investors later one for sure. Of course the fact, that you are preparing more news and announcements in the next few days is also a huge contributing factor and will raise the awareness of people. We have just released our new dates: - Pre ICO from 12th November until 3rd December 2017 - ICO from 4th December until 4th January 2018 Following our discussion with Kramer Levin, our legal Advisor, we will release a New Whithepaper tonight that will simplify our structuring: - our token will be an "asset" token that will represent licencing fees perceived over the rental of trading bots by the DAFs, so clearly excluding the "security" token definition - no vote will now be required now to earn the 85% of our Botons (performance fees or rental fees) - NPX token holders will still be the ones deciding on the launch of a new DAF We also hope to announce new widely recognized Advisors to our project in the days to come. We will of course communicate in this case. Thanks for the news! We are looking forward to the new whitepaper. It will also be interesting to learn new advisors!

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
October 19, 2017, 04:54:45 PM |
Love this name : NaPoleon
October 19, 2017, 06:01:27 PM |
thank you very much for sharing this with us  nice to read and much information, everyone should read it.