January 20, 2018, 10:51:14 AM |
I've invested eth during the pre-sale (november maybe ?) Is it still okay ?
"Qu’on me donne six lignes écrites de la main du plus honnête homme, j'y trouverai de quoi le faire pendre.“ (Richelieu)
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
January 20, 2018, 12:59:49 PM |
When will the first investment made with the money raised?
In other words, if I invest money tomorrow, should I wait summer 2018 to start having some return on investments?
Thank you in advance and good luck with the project.
I already invested in Crypto20 (another rebalancing index) and I see that it outperforms my own investment strategy. So I can only believe in your success.
KryptoKings (OP)
January 20, 2018, 01:39:08 PM |
When will the first investment made with the money raised?
In other words, if I invest money tomorrow, should I wait summer 2018 to start having some return on investments?
Thank you in advance and good luck with the project.
I already invested in Crypto20 (another rebalancing index) and I see that it outperforms my own investment strategy. So I can only believe in your success.
Hello, we plan to launch the first crypto fund during the summer. It will mostly depend on the time to get the asset management license. We have already chosen our lawyer, and are already filling the form to ask for this license. We think to be able to acquire it before summer so that we could launch the first fund just after.
KryptoKings (OP)
January 20, 2018, 01:41:59 PM |
Many thanks, please report that on the bounty thread instead: bounty.napoleonx.ai Thanks!
KryptoKings (OP)
January 20, 2018, 01:42:16 PM |
I've invested eth during the pre-sale (november maybe ?) Is it still okay ?
Hello, yes of course it is still ok if you have invested! If you follow our telegram group or our newsletter, you have seen lots of things, improvments and hype around the project. Hope it will convert to help us to make a successful project.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
January 20, 2018, 05:08:04 PM |
How does the team earn money once NPX is live?
Thank you
January 20, 2018, 05:11:48 PM |
The concept of the project is very interesting but I see many talking about the allocation for its bounty. it is true the allocation for bounty is very large and very interesting to follow. hopefully this project can get max investors so that the division for bounty can be achieved because many are hoping from this bounty.
January 20, 2018, 05:57:29 PM |
I've invested eth during the pre-sale (november maybe ?) Is it still okay ?
Hello, yes of course it is still ok if you have invested! If you follow our telegram group or our newsletter, you have seen lots of things, improvments and hype around the project. Hope it will convert to help us to make a successful project. merci !
"Qu’on me donne six lignes écrites de la main du plus honnête homme, j'y trouverai de quoi le faire pendre.“ (Richelieu)
Tasty Potato
January 21, 2018, 06:00:50 PM |
Hello, could you five me a quick follow-up on the following: 1) Why your ICO period was from 23rd of OCT to 17th of NOV 2017 ? 2) What is this second ICO from the 22nd JAN 2018 ? 3) In your mega-description-picture you stated that investors could only buy your tokens with ETH, but on your website these are: ETH, BTC, EUR - the accepted currencies, how come? 4) For instance, you feature an Crypto expert - South Korea, Harold KIM, him having almost an empty and somewhat useless website - http://joajoa.com/, one of its pages says its a Korean-English translation website - http://joajoa.com/?page_id=11&ckattempt=1, who is this Mr. Kim really? Plus the site is from 2017-12-06. Very shady, imho. 5) Here is another "cure one", taken from your webiste - PERFORMING TRADING BOTS More than 10 years of R&D to design more than 20 performing trading strategies; read our blackpaper[insert link] to learn more. I made that cute part bold and red. Comments? 6) Harold Kim is having 2 month ICO adviser experience, really?
KryptoKings (OP)
January 21, 2018, 09:52:29 PM |
Hello, could you five me a quick follow-up on the following: 1) Why your ICO period was from 23rd of OCT to 17th of NOV 2017 ? 2) What is this second ICO from the 22nd JAN 2018 ? 3) In your mega-description-picture you stated that investors could only buy your tokens with ETH, but on your website these are: ETH, BTC, EUR - the accepted currencies, how come? 4) For instance, you feature an Crypto expert - South Korea, Harold KIM, him having almost an empty and somewhat useless website - http://joajoa.com/, one of its pages says its a Korean-English translation website - http://joajoa.com/?page_id=11&ckattempt=1, who is this Mr. Kim really? Plus the site is from 2017-12-06. Very shady, imho. 5) Here is another "cure one", taken from your webiste - PERFORMING TRADING BOTS More than 10 years of R&D to design more than 20 performing trading strategies; read our blackpaper[insert link] to learn more. I made that cute part bold and red. Comments? 6) Harold Kim is having 2 month ICO adviser experience, really? Hello, sorry we are in a rush with much more people registering for tomorrow's ICO, than what we expected. To answer quickly your questions: 1) No it was not: it has been postponed 2) No it is not a second ICO, just the same postponed 3) Typo: ETH, BTC and EUR are available. Thanks for noticing 4) Harold Kim has very good relationships with bog exchanges, notably in Korea. He helped Naga and INS to be listed 5) To be fixed at the next release schedule this night 6) If you knew the guy, you will validate our choice. He is very discrete, yet efficient. I think there must be many more interesting stuff about him in Korean if you look at internet only. Otherwise, he was at Miami with us during the BTC North America Conf organized by Moe with more than 4000 people attending. It was huge. Hope it helps you. Cheers
January 22, 2018, 07:36:58 AM |
Hello NapoleonX i am getting whitelisted right now, would like to know if and what exchanges are planned for token trading, if any, and also timing
thank you and best regards
KryptoKings (OP)
January 22, 2018, 10:34:27 AM |
Hello NapoleonX i am getting whitelisted right now, would like to know if and what exchanges are planned for token trading, if any, and also timing
thank you and best regards
Hello, we have recruited Harold Kim to help us on this. He helped a lot Naga and INS to be listed.
The Cryptographer
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 22, 2018, 11:16:26 AM |
Are payments working on the website? Credit card payments do not get any confirmation (only a tick) and no NPX appears in the account.  ?

Activity: 476
Merit: 12
January 22, 2018, 11:27:44 AM |
1134 transactions to the contract address so far. I see a lot of >1 Eth amounts, we are far beyond 2,1 million displayed in the ICO site IMO.
The Cryptographer
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 22, 2018, 11:32:56 AM |
1134 transactions to the contract address so far. I see a lot of >1 Eth amounts, we are far beyond 2,1 million displayed in the ICO site IMO.
Thanks. Do you know if there's an issue with credit card payments as no confirmation or tokens are being received?
January 22, 2018, 11:34:51 AM |
1134 transactions to the contract address so far. I see a lot of >1 Eth amounts, we are far beyond 2,1 million displayed in the ICO site IMO.
ico is running smooth and at the same time there is some interest there. hopefully we are getting sold out fast.

Activity: 476
Merit: 12
January 22, 2018, 11:52:00 AM |
1134 transactions to the contract address so far. I see a lot of >1 Eth amounts, we are far beyond 2,1 million displayed in the ICO site IMO.
Thanks. Do you know if there's an issue with credit card payments as no confirmation or tokens are being received? Be patience, I don't think you will receive your tokens until the ICO end. I think that's we have to wait a little to receive confirmation.
The Cryptographer
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 22, 2018, 12:29:26 PM Last edit: January 22, 2018, 01:24:09 PM by The Cryptographer |
1134 transactions to the contract address so far. I see a lot of >1 Eth amounts, we are far beyond 2,1 million displayed in the ICO site IMO.
Thanks. Do you know if there's an issue with credit card payments as no confirmation or tokens are being received? Be patience, I don't think you will receive your tokens until the ICO end. I think that's we have to wait a little to receive confirmation. It's ok, it says "processing" on my credit card, i think it may be at their end, not yours. EDIT: I spoke to Credit card company and it is at your end, you haven't accepted the transaction. Thanks