Build your COBINHOOD API clients and win FREE COBs!
COBINHOOD will give away 16,000 COB in total for the best examples of how to use the API.
The goal is to demonstrate how to use the COBINHOOD APIs so that others can pick up your code and start to program their own algos.
Build API clients with the following features:
- Follow latest api documentation
- Getting latest price of a symbol
- Getting depth of a symbol or maintain a depth cache locally
- Placing a LIMIT order
- Placing a MARKET order
- Checking an order’s status
- Cancelling an order
- Getting list of open orders
A 2000 COB award will be given to the best submission in each of these languages:
- Java
- Python
- Node.js
- Go
- C++
- C#
- Objective-C
Selection Criteria
- Completeness of the API usage
- Efficiency of algorithm
- Cleanness of code
- Proper logging and exception handling.
- Works out of the box
- Well documented, easy to understand
- Any other neat features
Competition Starts: now
Ends: whenever a suitable submission is selected for each language, or Feb 28th, 2018.
Application Email your GitHub link to
code@cobinhood.comIn your application, please include the following: "I,<full name> , fully own the code I submit. I guarantee there are no copyright or license restrictions. I further agree any code I submit will be in public domain. Anyone can copy, change, derive further work from it without any restrictions."