Amero+ is the Latin American Common Cryptocurrency, anonymous, descentralized and independet from politics and politicians. A cryptocurrency using the Cryptonote technology, a fork from Bytecoin using Forknote that allows P2P transactions in a fast, secure, private and anonymous way.
Amero Plus or Amero+ aims to become the new common currency of Latin America and become a tool to reach the economic integration and to be able to face the protectionist policies.
Why AmeroPlus? Similar attempts were made in America, an unofficial example is the "Amero" which was a single currency attempt between NAFTA countries (the United States, Canada and Mexico). Another example is the negotiations of the late 1980s on a single currency for Mercosur called "Gaucho".
Total Supply & Emission
- Algorithm PoW: Cryptonight
- Based on Cryptonote. Fork of Bytecoin using Forknote.
- Block Time: 120 seconds
- Difficulty retarget: every block
- Block reward: smoothly decreasing
- Divisibility: 6 decimals
- Total Supply: 78.400.000 ameros
- Premined: (10 %) 7.840.000 ameros, 350,000 ameros will be released each month for 24 months to pay bounties and help with the development. Please visit our website to learn more about our Bounties and Development.
- Ticker: AMX
- Emission: 100.000 american pesos for each Latin American citizen according to the projections for 2050, based on this >>study from the UN<<.
- Coin Units:
1 Amero = 1,000,000 american pesos
1 american peso = 0.000001 Ameros
Using Amero+
Amero+ is a cryptocurrency using the Cryptonote technology, a fork from Bytecoin using Forknote that allows P2P transactions in a fast, secure, private and anonymous way. You can choose between CLI and web wallets. More wallets are under development.
Aratirí Web Wallet (v0.0.1-BETA) is a fast, simple and secure way to use Ameros.
Aratirí: Ligthning in the guaraní language
Literally: Ara (sky) Tirí (broken). Broken Sky.
CLI Wallet
CLI (Command-Line Interface). Using the repositories from Forknote to stay up to date and free from bugs(almost).How to use it?1- Download the file according to your operative system.
2- Unzip the file, preferably on your desktop to have easy access to it.
3- Create a sub directory and call it "configs".
4- Download this configuration file
amero.conf and save it on your "configs" directory.
5- Using the command line go to the uncompressed file from step 2
Starting a Node6- Execute the following command:
Windows: forknoted.exe --config-file configs/amero.conf
Linux: ./forknoted --config-file configs/amero.conf
7- Wait for the blockchain to sync completely before starting the simplewallet
Starting the Wallet8- On a separate terminal execute the following command:
Windows: simplewallet.exe --config-file configs/amero.conf
Linux: ./simplewallet --config-file configs/amero.conf
Solo mining from command line9- On a separate terminal execute the following command:
Windows: miner.exe --daemon-address localhost:23224 --address"paste here your address" --threads 2 --log-level 5
Linux: ./miner --daemon-address localhost:23224 --address "paste here your address" --threads 2 --log-level 5
*change --threads 2 to match the number of your PC's CPU for faster mining
10- Type help for more commands.
11- Always type exit to close daemon and simplewallet
Bounties. Development.
Bounties and Development Fund: Amero+ is a Pre-Mined cryptocurrency, 10% of the total supply was premined (7,840,000 ameros), 5% of those premined coins will be released each month for bounty campaings (SOCIAL MINING campaigns) and to help us continue growing and developing new features, listing on exchanges, pay some bills, every coin spent or sent as a bounty reward will be publicly disclosed(350,000 ameros / month). To learn more abount our SOCIAL MINING campaigns and our development funds please visit us at Bounties&Dev.
Help us achieve real descentralization by spreading our net of miners. We are offering bounties for Pool operators willing to spread our network.
If you want to start your own pool you will need our binaries, not the ones from Forknote, please visit this link Amero, you will also need this great script from
List of Pools
Everybody would love to see us listed on an Exchange but in order to do so we need to pay some, right? Please help us improve our services by donating to our Listing Fund. You can find the link for donations here: Bounties&Dev.
Social Media and Discussion Channels
We would really like to hear from you, if you think we can improve something, have an idea or just want to say hi please contact us, this is a new project but we have great expectations and we strongly believe that we can do great things with Amero+ and through our work we can bring some changes to start a new and alternative economy in Latin America.
Thank You!