This Might help the case. would really be helpful when the Ann thread is up so that we can see the patterns of posting from those accounts. The above screenshot is just a snapshot from google webcache.
Last thing i remember is mosprognoz started questioning the worldcore's legalities and all of it are answered. Then he began to post a lot of Scam Accusations and all was answered on that thread. This is not right as Scam accusations should be inside the Scam Accusations thread. He makes the Worldcore thread a place of discussion of this Scam accusations.
mosprognoz statement are being backed up by
bambarnia(Can't provide you a screenshot since the thread is down).
Signs that mosprognoz and barbarnia are the same person. - They always backed up their statement.Proofs;u=1094569;sa=showPosts;u=1094553;sa=showPosts;u=1094553;sa=showPostsIt is a
scam yea ! 100 % premined and 100 % designed to enrich it's creator. Actually this is not an airdrop, it's signature campaign. So dev will
airdrop pay for sigs just 10 or 20 % of premine and the rest he will stake and try to sell slowly. But the problem is that nobody will buy this shitcoin. There is no github, there are no innovations, there is no team of devs, just unknown and shady person. We already have the same deeponion scam with massive amount of shills involved, but deeponion is collapsing and the same will happen to this shitcoin within a couple of days. You can try to scam some dumb newbies ,but there is no way to cheat the market.
- Two accounts are created on the same date and at almost the same timemosprognoz - Date Registered: August 03, 2017, 07:27:22 PM
bambarnia - Date Registered: August 03, 2017, 07:10:42 PM
The spam of Scam accusations continues the next day then, a private message on facebook appears. continues to spread FUD and LIES on the thread later that day. bambarnia suddenly stopped and not backed mosprognoz statement. Also at that time when bambarnia is inactive, many newbie accounts are created to attack the Ann thread and also the Russian thread.
jemura and
mosprognoz started to spread some lies in the Ann thread. Maria Uni was the first one to be spotted on spreading FUD and Scam accusations on Russian thread.
Signs that jemura and Maria Uni are controlled by mosprognoz.- Like mosprognoz, jemura and Maria Uni are spreading the same scam Accusations.
- Like mosprognoz and bambarnia, jemura and Maria Uni are both created on the same date. This is the sign that the threat of facebook private message is real and this person are using all kinds of dirty tricks to extort.
Maria Uni - Date Registered: September 20, 2017, 02:26:12 PM
jemura - Date Registered: September 20, 2017, 02:26:12 PM
- Like mosprognoz and bambarnia, they always backed up their arguments. This time, in russian thread. No need to translate this. Just wanted to point a sign that these accounts are controlled by a single person/group.
мнe нpaвитcя нacoнoв пpocтo.
нo oн нe oтвeчaeт взaимнocтью
нaдeюcь, гycapы нe вылeзyт и нe cтaнyт пoшлить пo пoвoдy eгo opиeнтaции
Hy я пpoтив гeeв ничeгo нe имeю, вce cвoбoдны в выбope opиeнтaции и Hacoнoв тoжe, нo тyт пoнимaющиe люди yжe oцeнили oтчeт. Я пpocтo yдивляюcь нaглocти этиx людeй кoтopыe ocмeливaютcя пpeдocтaвить тaкoй oтчeт ! Bce ICO этo ничтo инoe кaк paзвoд. Эти caмыe ICO coбpaли c дoвepчивыx лoxoв миллиoны и чтo ? Ceйчac эти тoкeны кyплeнный cкaжeм зa дoллap никoмy нe нyжны и зa пoл цeны нa биpжax. Cдeлaть кpacивый caйт и нaпиcaть "Бeлyю бyмaгy" бoльшoгo тpyдa нe cocтoвляeт a тoкeны мoжнo пeчaтaть нa плaтфopмe eфиpa бeз oгpaничeнии пpитoм кaкиx тo ocoбыx знaний этo нe тpeбyeт.
The rest of the newbie accounts.
- Only posted on Worldcore Russian thread -;u=1177936;sa=showPosts- Date Registered: September 29, 2017, 11:24:07 PM
- Account revived after a few months. Only to post on Deeponion and WorldCore
- Signature is also a clear sign that this account is used for shilling and owned by mosprognoz.;u=1006668;sa=showPostsReyzex
- Revived after a month only to post in Worldcore russian thread -;u=1071232;sa=showPostsBitcointalk profiles of linked accounts.
mosprognoz :;u=1094569bambarnia :;u=1094553Reyzex :;u=1071232jemura :;u=1162728Maria Uni :;u=1162311