Also all my miners is in all local are but all they have different wi if router so they have different ip range some have 192.169.88.... some 192.168.0.... and some 192.168.31.... so some miners can’t be added on the monitoring. How it can be fixed without modifying the network settings of local area. Thanks
this a network problem , how do you expect the software to solve it?
you have different subnets( regions), the PC you using has a different gateway from the miner's gateway, it will drop the packet immediately. this is like
sending expecting a dog to talk to a fish, it doesn't work.
PC on subnet 1 can add all asics on subnet 1
PC on subnet 1 can NOT add asics on subnet 2/3/4
you probably have a switch of layer 2 and not a router, it's commercially called a router but if it does not transmit packets between different subnets then it's simply a switch.
in order to do whatever you want to do, you will need some networking skills, you need to have all of your subnet under a single VLAN, you need to teach your router how to route packets coming and going among different subnets, this will require some work and a device that is capable of doing so, and if not done perfectly the congestion on your network will be ATH.
the easier way to go about this is to have only 1 router that acts as a router, and the other "routers" must act as a bridge only, 1 router will handle all the traffics, even if your devices were thousands miles apart, as long as they are under the same subnet you will not have to do anything advance to have them all accessed from a single host.