The Finney is scheduled to be released in H2 of this year. It is a deposit of 50 SRN required to pre-order a Finney. If you pre-order it in February you will get a 10% discount on the price.
The price of the phone is set at the equivalent to ~$999USD, payable in SRN. When the phone is released, the price in SRN will be dictated by the exchange rate then, not now. You pay a pre-order deposit of 50 SRN.
When the phone is released, if 50SRN<$999USD, there will be a balance due. If 50 SRN>$999SRN, you will get a refund on the cost of the phone. (This is excluding taxes and shipping).
If you qualified for the 10% discount, use the rate of 50 SRN:$900USD.
The only way to preorder a Finney is following this Preorder link:
https://sirinlabs.com/preorder.html Once you complete this form you will get an email with the next steps to proceed with the payment.
There will be instructions in the email you will receive from
preorder@sirinlabs.com once you complete the above steps.
Note: Please do not send the preorder deposit from an exchange wallet.
The preorder confirmation will be sent within 48 hrs business hours after sending the preorder deposit.
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