It's pretty easy;
Download wallet from their website, LLD + LLD Database, Install wallet, then close it,
drag and drop database into nexus appdata / roaming folder.
Also in the appdata / roaming folder, create text file, write this:
save as nexus.conf (make sure it's .conf not .conf.txt)
open wallet back up and let it catch up sync'ing the blockchain.
Wait until there is a green check at the bottom right
Miner is an SK miner mod, works great the bat file and change the "1" to however many cards you have on your rig.
Once you see the green check, run the miner.
Hit blocks.
I would recommend checking this website: a couple times a day to make sure your miner is on the same block, sometimes I have to reset the wallet and miner every 3-4 days.