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Author Topic: I BUY GOLD OR BITCOIN?  (Read 11022 times)
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October 28, 2017, 11:10:06 PM

Old ask and asked many times

this pic may give you answer


 for me i prefer Gold more Because women love it more than Bitcoin and can invest it  Cool Cool

I don't know about the Theft Resistance. Lots of bitcoins have been stolen.

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October 28, 2017, 11:11:01 PM

I think it is better to diversify your risk and buy gold and bitcoin. Bitcoin is of course risky asset, but it needs to be in your portfolio.
Yes i agree.But IMO it's better to purchase more bitcoin than gold.It would not be a wrong choice buying both but you should prioritize buying bitcoin first.Its price is more higher than gold and is definitely increasing day by day.Bitcoin for sure will give you huge profit after a couple of months or years.

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October 28, 2017, 11:14:00 PM

I believe both are good investments but if you want to hAve an investment whose return of investment is high then i guess the best choice is bitcoin. Bitcoin's value,  though volatile and  fluctuating, constantly rises and a lot of investors come in to invest on them. Gold, on the other hand, is stable and is also good for investment. However, because of its stability, the profit gained from holding them is not that high unless you have tons and tons of them. So i think it is better to buy bitcoin and hold it and with your profit you can buy some gold as reserves.

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October 28, 2017, 11:18:28 PM

Hi guys, I've been in the world of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for some time, some relatives and friends ask me to buy gold or bitcoin to save, and I answer:

1. If you want to be safe without worrying about buying gold, because its price is very stable, at 1200 dollars an ounce.

2. If you want to invest in bitcoin I invite you to investigate what technology is about, I tell you that it is a new technology that will revolutionize the world, it is decentralized, distributed, without control of any kind of government, its quantity is limited. that allows it to be deflamatory, with the passage of time it takes more value, but it is your RESPONSIBILITY if you make the investment in bitcoin, I only tell you the advantages but it is up to you to investigate the subject.


I love to buy some gold as an investment but i will put all my efforts, time in working to hard to achieve more bitcoin for the better future.

I will not get an extra income with gold, in which btc can provide me.

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October 28, 2017, 11:27:50 PM

Gold is physical and bitcoin is digital ,it's value is dependent on community participation but i think investing in bitcoin better than investing in gold because you can notice the bitcoin price rose gradually from zero to near $6000.
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October 28, 2017, 11:30:02 PM

I mean asking this sort of question on a Bitcoin forum is going to get more than bias replies. But, you only have to look at the advantages that Bitcoin has over gold to make your own decision.

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October 29, 2017, 12:09:37 AM

I prefer bitcoin than gold, over the past years bitcoin have been doing great although the value is fluctuating from time to time but we can see its growth. I believe that it will continue to rise on the coming days. I can see better opportunities in bitcoin, your invesment can grow and expect higher returns.
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October 29, 2017, 12:15:05 AM

BTC is still very young and is predicted to reach $10,000 in 2018 and $100,000 in a few years. Personally, I'd buy BTC myself. If I wanted to be super-safe I'd only buy Gold. You can always invest 50% in gold and 50% in BTC and enjoy the best of both worlds.

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October 29, 2017, 12:40:55 AM

Bitcoin is no better than gold, and gold is no better than bitcoin but both are better than paper money. Because both have advantages and disadvantages, bitcoin with fluctuating price, will make us have to use extra consideration in making decision to buy or sell. In contrast to the price of gold that is stable and visible form, can be used at any time because people will know the characteristic of gold and this gold which always has a very high trust for people in my country Cheesy Wink Wink
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October 29, 2017, 12:53:14 AM

Diversify it on gold and bitcoin. Both have advantages and disadvantages. One thing bitcoin has edge over gold is its rapid increase of price. This what most investors are looking, something that they can earn in profit as high and as fast as possible.
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October 29, 2017, 01:18:33 AM

It is easy, if you want to get rich quickly but with a higher risk choose bitcoin, no investment in this world can beat bitcoin rising yet and now it is still a hot trend, buying gold is for a very long term, you are looking for an investment for 10 or 20 years, my suggestion is to buy both with 70:30, bitcoin 70% and gold 30%
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October 29, 2017, 01:24:29 AM

Hi guys, I've been in the world of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for some time, some relatives and friends ask me to buy gold or bitcoin to save, and I answer:

1. If you want to be safe without worrying about buying gold, because its price is very stable, at 1200 dollars an ounce.

2. If you want to invest in bitcoin I invite you to investigate what technology is about, I tell you that it is a new technology that will revolutionize the world, it is decentralized, distributed, without control of any kind of government, its quantity is limited. that allows it to be deflamatory, with the passage of time it takes more value, but it is your RESPONSIBILITY if you make the investment in bitcoin, I only tell you the advantages but it is up to you to investigate the subject.


How much is your investment? If you are planning to release a big amount of money for investment then why not divide it among gold and bitcoin? Investment should not be focused on a single thing. You need to widen the horizon so that whatever the outcome there will be something that remains in you and create more gains. Because it is always a possibility that your investment will fail. And if you focus on a single investment, you will end up a pauper instead of a millionaire.

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October 29, 2017, 01:37:42 AM
Last edit: October 29, 2017, 03:23:53 AM by eann014

You can buy them both if you can afford to buy them at the same time since they both valuable. Bitcoin can grow in a long time and we can gain some profit by saving bitcoin. Gold is an asset. This is a good asset that we can have.
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October 29, 2017, 01:38:20 AM

I buy bitcoin and gold, it is best choice in my personal opinions about investment into bitcoin and gold
because in my personal strategy i never put the money in one basket,
so do in the instrument of investment, i have made investment were not one kinds
i have bought bitcoin, gold, alternative coins, ICOs, stocks and other.
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October 29, 2017, 01:48:36 AM

What would be a healthy ratio of investing into BTC : gold?
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October 29, 2017, 04:23:25 AM

Agree that having both is much better as investment but it will depends on the capacity of the capital of one person, not all of us have huge money to afford buying gold or whole bitcoin the one good for bitcoin is even you have small amount of capital you can make huge profit if value of bitcoin would continue to increase.


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October 29, 2017, 04:27:15 AM

For now i prefer to buy small amount of bitcoin to start my investing journey hoping that this would be a good start and make huge profit for me also i see that this digital currency could be my great other souce of income and to help to sustain my expenses of my family.
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October 29, 2017, 06:37:56 AM

I think you better buy btc compared to gold, when compared in terms of exchange of btc value is much greater than the premises of gold. you will get a lot of benefits from investing if you are good at wasting opportunities and the right time to invest.
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October 29, 2017, 06:55:27 AM

If you take a look at it, both gold and bitcoin are good investments, i think if you want to have tangible investments, gold is better for you, if its ok with you to know that you have an investment but ok not to hold it physically, bitcoin is better, however if you would like to see your investment growing in value and see more potential, bitcoin is much better. There are a lot of similarities between gold and bitcoin, but if you are looking into the future and want to have a more secured future, go for bitcoin, though gold is a good investment as well, we live now in a digitalized time and you can take advantage if you choose bitcoin.
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October 29, 2017, 07:43:43 AM

For This  time i will buy Bitcoin once  i  got  the profit i will buy Gold . Bitcoin is newest  version  of  gold.  Both  mention  has disadvantage  and  advantage. of course  we have different  aspect  and  point of  view.  Bitcoin is  revolutionary  technology  and excellent  value ,easy  to  carry  than paper money  or gold.
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