Activity: 15
Merit: 0
October 31, 2017, 12:57:31 PM |
Hey There,
I created a wallet yesterday night while almost asleep and put the ccminer of mine to work but now i try to open the wallet again, but now i understand that i needed to save the name. Can't remember which name i gave it, so are the funds lost now? or is there a way to get the coins i mined this night back?
Cheers and good luck with everything! Ced

Activity: 117
Merit: 10
October 31, 2017, 12:59:32 PM |
Hey There,
I created a wallet yesterday night while almost asleep and put the ccminer of mine to work but now i try to open the wallet again, but now i understand that i needed to save the name. Can't remember which name i gave it, so are the funds lost now? or is there a way to get the coins i mined this night back?
Cheers and good luck with everything! Ced
Check files in the PATH directory 
October 31, 2017, 01:02:08 PM |
No problem man. If you are on windows, please right click on shortcuts and open folder. The wallet is saved in that folder. Running simplewallet, then press "O" (open wallet) and type your wallet (if you have saved your wallet "myWallet", in your folder you have some files called myWallet.wallet, myWallet.address, myWallet.backup) Please, type only "myWallet", not myWallet.*. After enter your pussward, you have access to your wallet. Dump your private key and send in your mail box
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
October 31, 2017, 01:47:13 PM |
Hey There,
I created a wallet yesterday night while almost asleep and put the ccminer of mine to work but now i try to open the wallet again, but now i understand that i needed to save the name. Can't remember which name i gave it, so are the funds lost now? or is there a way to get the coins i mined this night back?
Cheers and good luck with everything! Ced
If you installed it with default settings , then your wallet is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\KMC\KMC
October 31, 2017, 01:55:05 PM |
If you installed it with default settings , then your wallet is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\KMC\KMC
Be sure that you are running simplewallet as adminsitrator. In other case you are only able to query your wallet (list transactions, balance etc.), but unfortunatly you can run "save" command or "exit" command properly. (I haven't test payments under "non admin")
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
October 31, 2017, 02:23:36 PM |
Wow, thanks for the help everyone. Found it and managed to get everything back to work. Awesome community  . Will be mining this coin for a while and follow it's progression. Cheers and thanks again people!
October 31, 2017, 02:25:16 PM |
I type G, then asks for name, enter wallet or wallet.bin but just closes. How to fix ? I ran as admin and disabled antiv. win10.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
Create your own dreams
October 31, 2017, 02:43:23 PM |
Are there any news from developers? For example, masternode? roadmap? website? News can attract more people
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
October 31, 2017, 02:50:29 PM |
I type G, then asks for name, enter wallet or wallet.bin but just closes. How to fix ? I ran as admin and disabled antiv. win10.
You need to have kmcoind open in background, and it needs to be synchronized with the network.
tr4nscr1pt (OP)
October 31, 2017, 02:51:11 PM |
Are there any news from developers? For example, masternode? roadmap? website? News can attract more people
Website is in progress, we had one but changed some things. Will be in day or two. Masternode will be to soon, other things to. Just relax, we started a day ago.
October 31, 2017, 03:13:47 PM |
Are there any news from developers? For example, masternode? roadmap? website? News can attract more people
Website is in progress, we had one but changed some things. Will be in day or two. Masternode will be to soon, other things to. Just relax, we started a day ago. This has been a pretty smooth launch and having over 400 kH/s on day 2 is amazing progress. Hash is notoriously hard for CryptoNote to grow, so its going to take a lot of work to keep people from switching rigs away, but you're doing great so far.
October 31, 2017, 03:31:05 PM |
What port to use for RX580 : needs port 5555 or 7777 in pool kmcoin ?
October 31, 2017, 03:32:24 PM |
Are there any news from developers? For example, masternode? roadmap? website? News can attract more people
Website is in progress, we had one but changed some things. Will be in day or two. Masternode will be to soon, other things to. Just relax, we started a day ago. This has been a pretty smooth launch and having over 400 kH/s on day 2 is amazing progress. 80% = Nicehash. 5-7 Days+- and hyip-miner's rent power is off... NetHR slowdown to 50kh\s.. but coins is like good 
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1003
October 31, 2017, 03:33:58 PM |
What port to use for RX580 : needs port 5555 or 7777 in pool kmcoin ?
i used for rx570 5555
tr4nscr1pt (OP)
October 31, 2017, 03:47:34 PM |
Are there any news from developers? For example, masternode? roadmap? website? News can attract more people
Website is in progress, we had one but changed some things. Will be in day or two. Masternode will be to soon, other things to. Just relax, we started a day ago. This has been a pretty smooth launch and having over 400 kH/s on day 2 is amazing progress. 80% = Nicehash. 5-7 Days+- and hyip-miner's rent power is off... NetHR slowdown to 50kh\s.. but coins is like good  About 20% seems to be nicehash (maybe), the rest are miners with 1-10khs
October 31, 2017, 05:18:11 PM |
the difficulty is so high that people prefer to mine other currencies

Activity: 117
Merit: 10
October 31, 2017, 06:39:17 PM |
tr4nscr1pt (OP)
October 31, 2017, 07:03:08 PM |
Thank you for helping us, one of KMC team members will join to the channel just to inform you about everything.

Activity: 117
Merit: 10
October 31, 2017, 07:17:36 PM Last edit: November 01, 2017, 09:09:35 AM by Daglo99 |
Thank you for helping us, one of KMC team members will join to the channel just to inform you about everything. Ok Thanks. Reserve for Italian traslation! 
October 31, 2017, 08:19:03 PM Last edit: November 01, 2017, 11:34:55 AM by centurionMiner |
Payments failed to send to {"amount":0'13000000,"address":"Kmck81W5bcEK9euHQNMaBgdJuGPyWREzd96ZHjacx5o9SmurPPTXfrKitEdkcpx1tABCZTn4wVzyVAg xJi6oKmF3H1e5brg"} { amount: 8'37000000, address: 'KkLA83uEawtDkuWWe948vvVxgWggPry4mXZBEDTaFyxZBszxRdpVCqbF8RhVdPAkf2b9Lyf8B7LmrFj V8AHoeca3EKoSSBi' { amount: 34'20000000,address: 'KrkLyY4BXAeNALWhtXFcNNPPCXYve2woUcs6YBtM75D8e85UVMeynPqZncyw1hkgf11oVLYC6Gjarc8 JuSk7schT2chEicn'} { amount: 29'27000000,address: 'Kkwjj25ysHUY4wf3bUzY3A1gQfdBhVA2r3qoeKL1zr5xLjvZw98A8Dw9AXqKCokQ4cVxNsa8gQo4s3Q 7nAJL2a8j2efRJCp' } { amount: 0'10000000, address: 'Kq2aGfsW96r4u8tZbfvZ3cWdzkiEDQRU6SpQcuHpqZwKYRstqj28aBH471b8nSq7z4DCsWsRJqRYwHd KvRAeJMJBHRFVBAh' } { amount: 2'08000000, address: 'KoPRxzd2riKAbk7dsHSwPmSNmW6QAJTtr9yu2iYSXHPcL79zkd6BxRq1wDwsSAstQn68bq3TNBH89Jm dtYeMz1uuENmvvur' }
Only for information (: [edit] payment sended 06797096c3de6f8c9e5152dc4bbe422ea71d814862795ff3859361230010bc97