Dear vdramaliev and team
Please change my wallet adress from (0x983A2a120fe9A9c36CFab7778734Bf0229d5E64c)
my old address get hacked.
my number on spreadsheet :
# 726 on signature campaign
#145 & # 859 on blog campaign
# 221 on facebook campaign
Thanks for cooperation, i appreciated your hard work..please response me
Best regards
Unfortunately, we do not do these kind of changes on the spreadsheet.
hello bounty manager?
I have made more than 30 posts in your project.
but in the spreadsheet I only see 9 posts.
I join bounty signature spreadsheet number 636.
is there a problem in my post?
We will have this reviewed and update the spreadsheet.
i want to join this bounty program.
Thank you for your interest on the campaign. All forms are currently closed and we are focusing on giving out the stakes. We will keep you posted as soon as we open the campaign again.
i want to join this bounty program.
Isn't it a little bit late for that? There are only 30 hours left.
Hey artbtc,
I lost most of my Telegram Bounty stacks. I worte you a message about that - I was accidentally thrown out of the Telegram Group on the ICO day because I posted a GIF - other people where posting porn on the ICO day.
That is the GIF I made: account of artbic has been disabled. I am the new bounty manager. We will take a look on this.
Hello! I already registered in Envion Signature Bounty as auralmagic (bitcointalk Jr Member) and Twitter, facebook, telegram also but I can't find myself in in public spraedsheet.
If the registration was done correctly and on the correct form then your name should appear on the spreadsheet.
Please check I'm BOUNTY! Thank you
All registration forms were closed for new participant since January 11.
It looks like the registration form is corrupt, new registration are not appearing in the spreadsheet
Please see my response above.
Please is this bounty campaign still on?
Please read my response above.
There are people copying my article / translate it... much likely automatic to collect Bounty.
Example user: bheem0
01.10.2018 - 15:38
Number 2202
that is just a random one I accidentally found.
It is likely that lots of other orginal content is "stolen" and automated set up to collect bounty.
Thank you for bringing this up into our attention. It is in the rule that the content should be original. If we find out that the submitted article was copied from other participant then we will reject their submission.
already participated the facebook , twitter, and telegram channel bounty cam paign today dev ,. i hope be success project ,.
Please read my response above.
There are people copying my article / translate it... much likely automatic to collect Bounty.
Example user: bheem0
01.10.2018 - 15:38
Number 2202
that is just a random one I accidentally found.
It is likely that lots of other orginal content is "stolen" and automated set up to collect bounty.
Yup, this campaign has like 2500 entries. Some users have 100+ submissions...
I seriously hope the campaign manager can weed out the garbage and "Bans/reports anyone stealing articles"
Please read my response above. As you can see on the spreadsheet most of the submissions are rejected because of this unhelpful activities by other participant. Rest assured duplicate or copied content will be rejected.
Hi manager, my rank has increased to full member and I am now wearing the new signature as well as avatar, please update accordingly. Thanks.
We already addressed this question couple of times.
When exactly does the Bounty campaign end? I am specifically interested for signature campaign. I know it says 14 January but is Sunday counting till midnight (UTC time 23:59??) or the campaign ends on 14 January 00:00 so Sunday doesn't count?
The campaign will end as the ICO sale will end. Right now, all forms are closed for new registrations.
if i understand right, today is the last day of Envion bounty?
You are correct.