In order to buy account - send me message in telegram: @EnhancedVerification
There is something just not right about this selling of accounts, whether on this site or on any exchange. Firstly, there are risks and your own FAQs above is no assurance that the account might later be compromised. Just the selling of this enhanced verification is enough reason for the exchange to lock the account and block any money or coins on it. Scammers always find ways to make a fast buck so it is difficult to simply brush off the potential risks here and blindly send you 0.15 eth.
Assuming someone does buy, he will probably feel uneasy when putting large amount of coins on the account, knowing it was once owned by someone and there might be a backdoor somewhere.
If you are giving a "tester" account, would it be right to assume that you have multiple accounts for sale? You mentioned that these accounts come with enhanced verification which would mean they contain names and credentials of strangers. This is risky as heck. I wouldn't trade any coins on such an account.