December 31, 2017, 05:36:41 PM |
Well that article headline sure gets the attention i was thinking to myself did something happen where all goverments came together against bitcoin. Now bitcoin is not dead i am sure it feels that way with this current transaction fees and confirmation speeds. They will develop something to get this issues under control. If these two issues are resolved then bitcoin will be unstoppable i think.
Jr. Member
Activity: 51
Merit: 10
December 31, 2017, 11:56:10 PM |
No bitcoin not dead and i guess bitcoin will never be dead her price increase all the time and he will stay increased till he achieve 50.000 dollar than he will fall .
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Dod Ong
January 01, 2018, 01:25:50 AM |
I think the bitcoin can survive at least 3 years. I don't know why they destroying bitcoin, but I think one of the most problem why they destroying bitcoin because they think that the bitcoin is unfair to other people who is working hard to earned money, but here in bitcoin by posting you can earned more money than you want. I want to help my parents in our daily expenses, So I want to earned money here in bitcoin.

Activity: 308
Merit: 12
January 01, 2018, 01:44:18 AM |
Bitcoin is not dead, and will never be. Its becoming more popular now, and more are becoming interested about it. It think it will continue to grow, number of investors will increase as well as the transactions.

Activity: 254
Merit: 10
January 01, 2018, 01:46:31 AM |
Bitcoin is not dead, and will never be. Its becoming more popular now, and more are becoming interested about it. It think it will continue to grow, number of investors will increase as well as the transactions.
The current price is affected by new year and holliday. Everyones have sell their Btc to vacation
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Jr. Member
Activity: 57
Merit: 10
January 01, 2018, 11:09:44 AM |
bitcoin is dead now slow network and high fee once this problem solve bitcoin will back normally and rises again. segwit2x is only forks and dead bitcoin stronger than all atcoins
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
January 01, 2018, 11:45:54 AM |
Bitcoin will never die because the uses and popularity of it increasing day by day. New investor are investing into it. We all know that Bitcoin is a digital and internet based currency.
January 03, 2018, 01:23:29 PM |
for me bitcoin is not dead, it will only be gone if all country decide it to ignore and not used anymore or it will become illegal or banned on all country you can called it bitcoin is dead but if you say bitcoin can be dead based on the dropping price i doubt. yeah it is truth that is very big loss of price of bitcoin but still the price is expensive and higher compare to the past few months believe only in bitcoin.trust it You will only hear this kind of statements form the ones who actually want to buy bitcoins but are unable to buy it because of this much market value of bitcoin. They are only spreading this kind of rumors as they want to be down the market f bitcoin as this will eventually help them in buying of some bitcoins and that too at low price. This has no existence in real world. Bitcoin holds a wonderful future.

Activity: 322
Merit: 10
January 05, 2018, 02:13:33 PM |
yeah , It will be , but not today or tomorrow , don't worry ^^
No bitcoin is not dead its alive and when something price is high and it can be used for buying things so I don’t think so we can call him dead bitcoin is a digital currency and you can earn from here a lot of money you can also use it for buying things such as food etc. so bitcoin is a currency and its price is also very high than any other currency that’s why its demand is going high every day and day by day its users are also going to increased.
January 05, 2018, 02:15:45 PM |
Bitcoin is alive and kicking, it is the future the currency of the world today it help our world make a better through many methods, a good example of this are additonal income also if provides more security, privacy, and most especially freedom from the government.
I agree. I think many people mistake being stable with being dead. Even bitcoin, being the most powerful and strongest cryptocurrency in the market, can sometimes experience stops or slows in price gain. It's not forever that it will climb in value like what happened last November and December, because if that will continue to happen, it will be bad for the other market players namely altcoins. It has been seen that bitcoin surge sometimes have a profound, often times negative effect, on may altcoins.
Full Member
Activity: 124
Merit: 100
January 05, 2018, 02:18:13 PM |
I have seen this thread so many times people are full of doubts about bitcoins potential so they are more focus on when will it die they are too afraid to lose their money so growth is also suppressed.. bitcoin can only die if its users are gone that means when we humans go extinct or if the internet is gone because of some events like war and catastrophe had happened, also when its miners have gone, no one will process transactions so the block chain will halt its operations
Activity: 308
Merit: 0
January 05, 2018, 02:22:11 PM |
no bitcoin is running in world.bitcoin not dead.i think it dead impossible.people like the currency and day by day people use it.and interested.so bitcoin future bright and i hope bitcoin never dead.
Activity: 168
Merit: 0
January 05, 2018, 02:50:23 PM |
What..?? are you kidding. it's still alive. haa haa joke of the day... 
January 05, 2018, 03:03:49 PM |
What..?? are you kidding. it's still alive. haa haa joke of the day...  haha...yes, his opinion maybe is too old. Bitcoin now has increased up to $16k. Bitcoin has come back and will have the bright future. You should buy it soon
January 05, 2018, 03:08:36 PM |
Bitcoin is very alive, just have an research because it is very mindblowing that btc increases very fast and the way that it cant be dead, because of many supporters, and even without supporters it can only grow itself,
January 05, 2018, 06:12:38 PM |
Bitcoin is alive and rising and wont be dead anytime soon The demand for bitcoins is high and will be getting bigger
January 06, 2018, 09:05:03 PM |
I think this such thing is impossible to happen and cannot be occur. There is no any circumstances that will result to a lose or bankruptcy which will leads to them to be gone in this industry. The company of bitcoins performs well which this thing is such impossible to happen.
Jr. Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 1
January 07, 2018, 08:27:34 AM |
Although everything starts will eventually end, I can't see bitcoin dying just yet. Bitcoin is still on its early stages with huge growth potentials. Plus more and more people are starting to use bitcoin now. The more people use bitcoin, the longer bitcoin will stay.
January 07, 2018, 08:36:39 AM |
Theoretically, after so many years bitcoin can be dead. But thinking about today, bitcoin is just starting to gain more popularity causing an increase in its demand and value. Its market continuous to circulate, transactions from the different parts of the world that makes it alive. For now, there's still no circumstances that will make bitcoin dead.
January 07, 2018, 08:45:39 AM |
Seriously sometimes I wonder why anyone in their right mind will post such a thing, such rumor. No, Bitcoin is not dead not now not 10 years from now.