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Author Topic: Is BTC the new gold ?  (Read 2829 times)
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December 11, 2017, 02:51:29 PM

It is significantly less demanding to guard bitcoins instead of gold which needs extraordinary conditions and a safe place. Your private keys can be put away anyplace as long as they are scrambled. Additionally, it is substantially less demanding to utilize Bitcoin for exchanges despite the fact that the expenses are high. Gold stockpiling costs much more than Bitcoin's. Bitcoin has a high opportunity to supplant gold regarding venture
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December 11, 2017, 02:54:42 PM

Bitcoin is the new gold because the old gold is now not a great choice for investment because the price of the old gold is slow and boring while the price of bitcoin is aggressive and i can earn faster than the old gold. I already sold my gold bars in exchange of bitcoin because i really believed in bitcoin.
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December 11, 2017, 03:00:57 PM

Bitcoin wallets are vulnerable to being hacked and the price is highly volatile, which differs bitcoin from gold.
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December 11, 2017, 03:03:46 PM

I can't say BTC is the new gold. Gold is gold. Bitcoin is bitcoin. They are far different from each other. In terms of security, bitcoin is more secure than gold. since physical security can be broken and can be penetrated by others while bitcoin is more like an intellectual property. No one can get it away from you, unless you tell them your secret ( BTC password & address)

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December 11, 2017, 03:05:00 PM

BTC is the real thing, I think it has a long long long way to go.  Cheesy
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December 11, 2017, 03:06:52 PM

I think bitcoin cant compare with gold I guess, because bitcoin is a crypto currency which is digital currency it has its own value and Its more than the value of gold, Its not gold but its value is more on platinum but as what ive said it has its own value that you cannot compare to gold or any precious stones in the world. But if you have it, then it can make you a rich man in the next five years.

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December 11, 2017, 03:09:01 PM

Bitcoin is not the new gold but it's better than the gold.It has very low transaction fees so people can easily trade bitcoin.Also bitcoin is very potential crypto currency.Now bitcoin has high value and demand.If you invest on it you will be rich in near future

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December 11, 2017, 03:57:42 PM

holding bitcoin now I think over gold why because the price is high enough at the end of this year, making bitcoin more valuable than gold.
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December 11, 2017, 04:08:33 PM

I think your view is not right, Bitcoin and gold are essentially different, can not be compared to each other. Gold exists in physical form, can hold and grasp, and BTC is electronic currency, contained by e-wallet. The most important thing is that the amount of gold is infinite and the amount of BTC is finite. So saying BTC is gold I do not see correctly. Just about the holding habit is that people are always looking to hold BTC as well as Gold and wait for the price to rise to make profit then continue to buy gold when prices fall to hold. With the value of BTC much larger than the amount of gold, it should be said that BTC is new gold is absolutely no basis.  Tongue
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December 11, 2017, 04:17:04 PM

Bitcoin isn't the new gold, because with bitcoin we experience a growth that can never be experienced from any of the other sources. If you hold gold for years what you get at the end might be a 1-5% growth to the maximum. With bitcoin the scenario is different and upon that bitcoin is not the new gold.
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December 11, 2017, 04:20:00 PM

In my opinion, Bitcoin and Gold are quite different in terms of how you obtain it. Bitcoin can be found in the internet, earn it, save it, and/or invest it to gain more profit. Gold can be found in the environment, through mining and this is very much tangible.

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December 11, 2017, 04:26:15 PM

How many times you heard some question ?
But the time goes by and I've been wondering if it really what a BTC today really is.

As we discuss here in the forum everyday, the main reason for BTC not to be taken seriously as digital money like it was invented are:

- its fee cost for lower transaction
- delay and time of the transaction to be approved
- its price that change constantly up
- it's not designed to accept so many transactions

What do you think ?
Do you hold like you holding the gol a decade ago ?
Rather say btc is the better gold. Btc has a far more higher value than gold even though gold has such a huge market cap and is known by almost everyone, btc is growing despite many laymen not being aware of the concept of bitcoin. Btc is a much better invest for faster profits but gold's price is more stable and can be traded with more easily.
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December 12, 2017, 11:04:00 AM

BTC is the real thing, I think it has a long long long way to go.  Cheesy
This is evident from this last week when prices were shoot out to such amazing level. Bitcoins are getting familiar in colleges, among students, officials, technical people and best thing about it is governments are getting a positive image of it. And some governments have claimed it to be legal currency because they know better the future is all about bitcoins and they will get benefit for it.
























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December 12, 2017, 05:36:02 PM

In my own opinion, I think bitcoin represents gold in field of electronic currency. 
The excellence of the company and management which I see from them gives them lots of achievements which recognize their efforts in providing excellent quality service to every investor;
 from this they become always number one in field of cryptocurrency.  Gold symbolize victory,  number one or the best among the rest which I think that they deserve that title to be called.
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December 16, 2017, 09:25:21 AM

Gold is pessimistic. There is no doubt about that. but bitcoin is more artificial. But people the complete share of greater than the world don't know approximately bitcoin. Actually bitcoin is once a accessory baby for the world. Bitcoin would be more barbed by the period goes in this area.
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December 16, 2017, 09:26:49 AM

The popularity of Bitcoin cryptocurrency continues to increase rapidly. Starting from a party that uses, accepts as a means of payment, and most amazingly, the value of its Bitcoin itself.

Even today, Monday (10/4/2017), when checked on the site, the value for 1 Bitcoin (BTC) is Rp 15.849.000. This value has skyrocketed considerably when compared to 5 years ago. In 2012, the value for 1 BTC is only Rp 80,000.
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December 17, 2017, 05:39:10 AM

It is risky this time but the descision is urs
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December 17, 2017, 05:47:09 AM

Bitcoin is the new gold because the old gold is now not a great choice for investment because the price of the old gold is slow and boring while the price of bitcoin is aggressive and i can earn faster than the old gold. I already sold my gold bars in exchange of bitcoin because i really believed in bitcoin.

There is no charm in gold other than the fact that its price is stable and it is reliable. Meaning that there is no chance its value can be down or any hack can destroy the value. Bitcoin on the other hand is moving fast in volume and price but few risks are still associated with them and we cannot neglect them.

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December 17, 2017, 05:58:59 AM

Bitcoin is the new gold because the old gold is now not a great choice for investment because the price of the old gold is slow and boring while the price of bitcoin is aggressive and i can earn faster than the old gold. I already sold my gold bars in exchange of bitcoin because i really believed in bitcoin.

There is no charm in gold other than the fact that its price is stable and it is reliable. Meaning that there is no chance its value can be down or any hack can destroy the value. Bitcoin on the other hand is moving fast in volume and price but few risks are still associated with them and we cannot neglect them.

Yeah as you said gold's price is really stable and it is considered as value storage but bitcoin was found to be used as currency but the demand of bitcoin made its price very expensive.But in my view bitcoin is more valuable than the gold because the price of bitcoin keeps increasing at high speed.The price growth in the year 2017 is 2000% and still increasing.
But bitcoin investment is risky because of its price volatility so gold is better in terms of safe investment whereas bitcoin is good in terms of profits but with risks.

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December 17, 2017, 06:49:42 AM

Btc  is way better then gold
I don't remember seeing 1 ounce of gold equal to 8000k
Bye is gonna change the world currency
Yes for now the price of bitcoin is higher. That's why more of us hold more bitcoin because they know that someday the price of bitcoin will level the price of gold.
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