And how does this innovate over current cryptocurrencies (BTC/ LTC)? Oh that's right, it doesn't.
If you invest in this coin, you are just raising the price for the developer who has HEAVILY premined this coin before launch.
Just a warning before A LOT of people get burned. Do some research before investing.
NWO, I'm disappointed in your FUD spreading about PXC. Yes, it's Fear Confusion and Doubt, because you have no proof whatsoever that "people are gonna get burned." You seem like friendly and professional guy when I pm'ed with you a few months ago, but this bashing of competing coins is uncool, bro.
PXC per se does not innovate technically over LTC, it's a clone. It's slightly tweaked but nothing new. Why ? We don't need it. When our target audiences buy PXC to subscribe to content, buy products or use services, they're not going to ask ;
"What does this coin do that BTC/LTC can't do ?"
They're going to ask ;
"How does this coin it help me ? How will it make me money ?"
The mainstream user doesn't care about the technical specs of the coin. All he cares about is it's practical value will be. The world is changing man, there's enough room for many cryptocoins, as long as they have practical uses.
The pre-mine is solely for promotional use. Hundreds of thousands have already been given away in freerolls at and more will be used for future promotions, like the 25k freeroll that will start when current priorities have been dealt with.
Phenix ( JohnCar's COMPANY not just a copy-pastecoin ! ) has made significant investments to get up and running. Lawyers, hosting, contracts with partners, expensive FINCEN compliance... the list goes on. The pre-mine is peanuts compared to that. He would never break even.
Ask yourself this... what's more desirable a goal : to make a couple of thousands of dollars with a pump and dump scheme that takes months to prepare, or to build a successful crypto coin empire that will dominate the crypto crypto coin world and beyond ? What we're seeing here are the first baby steps.
And as I've said many times before : Don't buy PXC because other people tell you to. NWO's advice is sound, do your own research. Don't hold us responsible if your coin doesn't double in value over night. We're not pushing a speculative coin.
PXC will be bought on it's own merit, because it will have value. The value will come from utility, not speculation.