OK tinfoil hat time folks! and i cant believe im saying this. regardless this would make for a cool movie.
interestingly, TOR was originally made by the govt and released as open source so others would further develop it and use it. this gave the govt the ability to easily communicate anonymously using it from anywhere with plenty of background noise(other users). heck the govt /still/ pays for 50% of TOR's funding!(its in their financial statements they publish)
Bitcoins are the perfect counterpart to this.
TOR doesn't seem like something the govt would have made and i was surprised that they made it and released it open source and still fund it to this day. so to say that bitcoin might be made by the CIA or govt is not far fetched at all. if this is any kind of evidence, it shows they have a vested interest in it but don't want to be the primary developers.
TOR was originally created by the govt and released as open source
bitcoin was originally created by "satoshi" and released as open source
TOR was 'abandoned' leaving development to the public
bitcoin is also 'abandoned' leaving its development to the public.
TOR is partially funded by the govt
bitcoin... no way to know. but if they haven't funded it yet, when the currency gains more ground, they may.(easier to hide then)
TOR is to communicate anonymously
bitcoin is to transfer funds anonymously
so i submit.. satoshi is just a name the govt used.
what are the chances of bitcoin dieing? 0%
chances of bitcoin taking over? we and the govt can only hope it does.
ok now this is where i put tinfoil on my windows and start using metal tape on the gaps and stop caring about evidence! sort of >_>
with that huge amount of btc sitting around... (the stolen ones), maybe just maybe... the govt has it
and they simply announced the BTC was stolen, or they stole it themselves. they are going to let it sit there for a long time and the govt can wait Forever for this to happen or give it a few pushes if need be. when bitcoins take over as the global currency, those same stolen bitcoins are going to be worth SO much more and will be so much easier to move. if your looking to make money from nowhere and to boost a countries financial position, This is one hell of a way to do it. the Really crazy part about this, it lets them make "REAL" currency out of nothing. its about the same as finding pure gold buried in the ground. only the govt simply needs to wait for the currency to mature before they can take advantage of its future and potential worth. the craziest part of all of this is that it helps them in a MASSIVE way and helps everyone else at the same time with a better currency overall. heck it might even drop the price of gold if gold ceases to store value and is only good for making jewelry and electronics, interestingly... having the "benefit" of making countries that rely on gold effectively "poor" in comparison. one hell of a masterful way to reshuffle a deck. and with the economy the way it is everywhere and necessity being the mother of invention, having a currency that cant be inflated or deflated will really make people come flocking to it. basically a way for us all to start over. remember, Nobody can cease your bitcoins to collect on debt nor prove that you even have them! its not possible with this currency. this may all sound crazy and have no evidence, but i like it! and so does my inner anarchist >
ok.. enough conspiracy theories ... for now. however i for one am sleeping with my tinfoil hat on tonight and possibly all week