Really glad to see that some one is working on SuperCoin again.
I believe the coin does have some potential even and just needs a new web page, decent exchange and some developer working on the coin.
Thanks hoangthipro244
True, we've got a lot ahead of us, but we're working on it!
Expect you find pretty resources to develop your idea. A rather interesting approach, well-advised results, flawless activity! Good luck fellows.
Thanks for the encouragement Newsdistlechi!
Apologies if my words came off harsh. I recognize that there is finally forward motion happening here, it's just been hard to get past the meandering "we are trying to/planning to do something " phase and see the actual benefits of follow through - a perpetuating cycle that has lasted 2.5+ years. Further, admittedly, you are not a dev. But you are a team leader attempting to promote and push forward with some new wallets. I applaud your efforts.
that said, this is the most forward motion in a while, and im thankful for that. however, in a market where every day is actually 3 business days, slow action costs. Potentially the life of the coin. This hasn't occurred yet. and forward ground is being gained. I have hope.... The stronger the dev team/community, them greater chance of success. DOGE, a goddamned reddit meme is more prosperous. Ouch, my ego. A JOKE made it further. Stuff like this is where I find discouragement, expecially when SUPER actually showed innovation. Super could be a sleeper, or it could be 6 feet under. Right now, Im still thinking sleeper.
I too feel a little action in the nether regions. Plow on....
Hello again Ticked
I too recognize that we have been lacking in the communication dept. I haven't been an active backer of SuperCoin for 2.5+ years, and you're right. I'm not a developer as such. But I'm also not a noob.
I'm just filling the gap of dev until we hire someone. Otherwise, cool and useful projects like this tend to stall and dissipate. That's exactly what we're (succesfully) trying to avoid!
I'm really glad to hear that we have at least given you back some hope! (y)
And Doge... Well... I think the idea that a meme can become a currency with a huge marketcap is just plain AWESOME.
It's fun, it obviously started as a joke and yet it somehow brings a smile to so many faces...
As for SuperCoin, I'm thinking sleeper as well.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves take it one hurdle at a time
Nevertheless, I always mean it that we value your feedback. Good or bad.
It's just an even better feeling knowing that you're still on the wagon!
Kind regards