Hello all
3 things to report
- Wallet download
- Get more peers for your wallet
Wallet downloadWe've noticed that the mega.nz wallet download link does not always work.
Therefore we'll make it available to download from another location.
Get more peers for your walletSometimes you only get a handfull of peers/nodes for your wallet.
Here are three tricks that may help:
-1 allow incoming connections on port 19390 in your windows firewall
-2 configure your home internet router to forward incoming connections on port 19390 to the ip of the pc running your wallet.
-3 whenever you do see more nodes go to your wallet's "help" menu and select "Debug window".
Open the "Console" tab and type "getpeerinfo". This will show you a list of connected peers.
Note down all the ip adresses and ports, they should look something like:
And add all these lines in your supercoin.conf file like so:
This will make sure your wallet tries to connect to those peers next time it starts up.
VPSWe're currently setting up a VPS.
This is an online server which will function as an always-on wallet.
It's currently still synching, so once that's done we'all have another node to which all wallets can allways synch.
Have a nice day!