You want to stake the whole day but you don´t wanna let your PC run around the Clock?
Then you shall give Stakinglab a try
A POS and Masternode Pool where Coins come together to max out the gain.
You´ll save energy and the costs of it.No need 4 running a PC all day long,but you´ll stake 24/7 and you can also take part in the Masternodes,which always provide some awesome special benifits,without spending 1000´s of $ Dollars.
You have to pay low taxes ONLY on your accumulated Coins.
These Coins are supported yet:
AeriumX,Alqo,APR Coin,Arion,Blocknode,Bitcoin Green,Buzz,Cheese,ColossusXT,Condensate Rain,Condominium,Deviant Coin,Diverse,Ember,Everest,Force,Gin Coin,Ignition Coin,Impleum,Interstellar Hold,LightPayCoin,Medic Coin,Monkey Project,Motile,MTI,Mutual Coin,Dravite Coin,Nodium,OPC Coin,OPCX,Peony,Phore,PivX,Rampant,Rover Coin,SCRIV,SmartCash,Solaris,Steep,Tokugawa,Varius,XGOX,XGOX Dark,Zest..and so on.
Please take care and get informed on: if you had done that ...take a look at the Lab ^^ staking together
...and mate,sorry for the affliate inside-you got no disadvantage of it but you are welcome to kick it out if you want