hey, something weird started to happen here..
in 2 hours interval; zm miner loses connection and ewbf miner launches for 10-15 seconds. Then zm miner relaunches and mines for 2 hours. rinse repeat.
I did choose NOT to donate in 1bash, but seems like it is still donating without my approval..
Impossible you can check the code anyone can if the if statement isn't on yes it won't mine. It just can't mine. Please don't start rumors that are not needed.
Screen Log:
| EWBF's Zcash CUDA miner. 0.3.4b |
[36mINFO: Current pool: zec.suprnova.cc:142 [0m
[36mINFO: Selected pools: 1 [0m
[36mINFO: Solver: Auto. [0m
[36mINFO: Devices: All. [0m
[36mINFO: Temperature limit: 90 [0m
[36mINFO: Api: Disabled [0m
[31mERROR: Cannot connect to the pool [0m
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# zm 0.5.7
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# GPU0 + GeForce GTX 1060 3GB MB: 3012 PCI: 1:0
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# GPU1 + GeForce GTX 1060 3GB MB: 3013 PCI: 2:0
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# GPU2 + GeForce GTX 1060 3GB MB: 3013 PCI: 4:0
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# GPU3 + GeForce GTX 1060 3GB MB: 3013 PCI: 5:0
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# GPU4 + GeForce GTX 1060 6GB MB: 6072 PCI: 6:0
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# GPU5 + GeForce GTX 1060 6GB MB: 6072 PCI: 8:0
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# GPU6 + GeForce GTX 1060 3GB MB: 3013 PCI: 9:0
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# GPU7 + GeForce GTX 1060 3GB MB: 3013 PCI: 10:0
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# telemetry server started
2017-12-26 02:52:23 PM|# connected to: eu1-zcash.flypool.org:3333
2017-12-26 02:52:25 PM|# server set difficulty to: 0004189374bc6a7ef9db22d0...
2017-12-26 02:52:50 PM|> GPU2 62C Sol/s: 312.1 Sol/W: 3.44 Avg: 312.1 I/s: 162.9 Sh: 0.00 . .
This is happening every 2 hours...