I don't know if this is possible or not.
I would like to see a coin that penalizes higher hash speed so small miners have a chance.
I am mining at 1GH/s-1MH/s and can only use pool mining once the difficulty gets above 0.4. I would far prefer to solo mine and that is why I like Memory Coin.
agreed !
and that guys response is people pay lots for hardware ?
well if the coin penalized high speed miners you would be able to save your money
and hey lets not forgot many coins have tried this already..
this will make the coin more valuable and popular than ALL other coins combined i think.
i'm a dev and i considered *briefly making a coin too but starting a new currency is not just about showing of your skills on C lol
all of the other things should be obvious and as far as i am concerned if a dev is babbling on about how to code the coin with features etc
i think its already dead in the water and just another coin like ALL the rest.. for one simple glaringly obvious reason.
money is not designed and released for the money printers its for the general public.
so to rehash what i just said..
unless i see *and i haven't so far a real top priority effort in getting the coin adopted world wide then your missing the point and possibly wasting your time etc.
all the coin features in the world don't mean shit if you can't convince people to use it and that goes way beyond this forum. try planet earth ..
good luck lol
so far all i'm hearing is i'm a better coder and my coin will be better and that's not terribly original
how about one single comment or goal in your first topic about addressing the issue of world wide average user adoption ?
because THAT is the "issue" that needs to be addressed FIRST !
exploits will ALWAYS exist and you know if you patch em up with this new coin more will be coming anyway..
hell as a cracker / coder i rape software dev's as a hobby and i don't even *usually have the source code to look at when i own some co's shareware or game etc
so.. with a github domain to go and being able to go gleen some info from github will make nice cannon fodder for the bad guys lol
bah.. i think i made my point here. if people don't get at this point i'm wasting my time typing lol
i think that guys point i quoted will be the key in making a popular coin that lasts.
look at IFC.. if it was paying out small amounts it would have been dead long ago but new guys come onto the scene and love it because they can still mine some coins.. *for now lol
and all i ever hear is sell what ever you got to buy more / better hardware and why do we *need to do all that anyway ?
How many of you mine BTC 24/7 ?