cryptonexii (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 02:13:11 AM Last edit: February 11, 2018, 08:23:38 PM by cryptonexii |
Introducing.....The first coin create to help Dog Rescues (I think?!), and inspired by a Bichon Frise. Updates01/30/2018 - Full upgrade of MurfCoin Network and Wallet 02/07/2018 - Wallets for popular foundations added to Block Explorer and funded with 1000 FLUFF to start! 02/11/2018 - Coin gets its first listing (see below)! 02/11/2018 - AirDrop closed - Thanks to everyone who participated (please hit me up if you requested but did not receive your FLUFF!) Should a FLUFF/BTC exchange actually happen, We're listed - see below! The FLUFF rescue fund will go to at least one of the smaller organizations that I've been researching that could take BTC. I'll announce on twitter and make sure its obvious that the donation has actually happened if I get that far. I do realize there is a lot of trust involved in that part. 100% of my personal pre-mine on my CPU has been transferred to the FLUFF fund already, which is roughly half of all FLUFF currently in existence. The rest of the FLUFF is distributed in production test wallets, and folks who helped me launch it, and folks who helped me test it on the AltCoin discussion thread. About Murfy Murfyis a rescue that we rescued in Rhode Island in 2010 from Mutts4Rescue. He had been mistreated and was scared of everyone. The rescue foundation asked us if we wanted to keep him, because as they drove him to meet us, she noticed that he was partially blind and had cataracts. We decided he really needed a home, and got him the surgery to help with his eyesight. He is doing awesome now, but is still scared of everyone and so I created this coin for him. In honor of Murfy, the coin has a mining lifetime of about 14 years, the same life-span as a Bichon Frise. It should be fully mined by 2031, but the majority of coins will be issued over the next couple of years. Because he's a big ball of fluffy, the ticker is FLUFF. Coin name: MurfCoin Coin abbreviation: FLUFF Algorithm: Scrypt Maximum Supply: 23,000,000 coins Type: PoW (Litecoin) Address prefix: M Block Time Average: 1 minute Block Reward: 50 FLUFF, decreasing by half roughly every 5 months Retargeting Using Dark Gravity Wave Premine (Did this to make sure we could fund the project, even if its instamined by crazy hash - which we don't have): 3% Current fund distribution~300,000+ FLUFF - Rescue Fund (One large wallet, few of others on test seednet Unix machines). ~100,000+ FLUFF - Developers fund (Website, Amazon servers, anything else we need etc) ~280,000+ FLUFF - Initial Mine, folks from AltCoin discussion thread. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!FLUFF AIRDROP - FIRST 200 SIGNUPS GET 50 FLUFF - CLICK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!WalletsDownload Wallets HereSource CodeOn GitHub!!!Bounty!!!First (Reputable?) Exchange - 25000 FLUFFLogo/Icons - 500 FLUFFTranslations!! - 250 FLUFFWebsite Further Development (Describing the Project etc) - 1000 FLUFFPool Operators!If you add to a pool, please send .5% reward to rescue fund @ MCHqosNeDhmuc6fmJvNBQ1XwxKkmjPFTAe We'd appreciate it! PoolsMurfCoin @ Payouts : Every 1 hour. -o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p pass
************** MurfCoin @ MiningPower.NET Diamond Donation Partner - 2% Donation goes to Dog RescuesFast and stable mining @ pool Fee : Only 2% Payouts : Every 1 hour. -o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=FLUFF
Donate : MTcAQGuHjAzKKa8yM2NTmycpp4SxyYbsaF FLUFF ************** MurfCoin @ MCIP EU No Registration Needed Fee : 0.4% Only Location : EU (FR) ccminer -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET-FLUFF_ADDRESS> -p c=FLUFF MCIP EUCloud Server - Anti DDoS - Bandwidth 100 Mbps (Unlimited traffic) ************** 0.5% Fees and 2% Donation to the cause! Diamond Donation Partner - 2% Donation goes to Dog RescuesPayout every 10 minutes. Username: Your Fluff wallet address Password:anything URL (vardiff starting at: 1024 ): stratum+tcp:// -o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p x
How to mine MurfCoin on poolsUsing the pool is the best way to mine murfcoin and ALSO adds to the donation wallet at the same time!Follow these articles on how to mine scrypt coins using cpuminer/cgminer/minerd Setting up CG Miner ExchangesWe're Listed on cryptomarkets!Blockchain ExplorerExplorer hereSocial MediaTwitterRoadmapOur short-term plans are: * Convince more of my engineer friends to develop the coin with me * Add integration to donate directly to animal rescue foundations Long-term plans: * Add requested and interesting features to the murfcoin blockchain and wallet May the FLUFF be with you. CN FLUFF Donations : (Rescue Fund to be converted to BTC) - MCHqosNeDhmuc6fmJvNBQ1XwxKkmjPFTAe
MurfCoin Engineer No. 001 - May the FLUFF be with you. http://www.murfcoin.orgI do airdrops manually after 6PM every day PST. Please be patient :-)
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 02:22:26 AM |
I love this project and I look forward to the changes it has made to the dog.
Activity: 214
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 03:45:25 AM Last edit: January 27, 2018, 06:48:12 PM by HotSwapp |
Another pool option, 0.5% Fees and 2% Donation to the cause! Payout every 10 minutes. Username: Your Fluff wallet address Password:anything URL (vardiff starting at: 1024 ): stratum+tcp:// -o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p x
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 03:53:29 AM |
Cute! Can I solo mine?
January 24, 2018, 05:09:31 AM |
ann? start coin 12day ago!! its very bad "difficulty": 16.17101586453983,
cryptonexii (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 05:14:43 AM |
ann? start coin 12 ago!! its very bad "difficulty": 16.17101586453983,
The difficulty has increased because of the announcement, the coin uses DGW, when a lot of people are mining the difficulty is high. When high hashrate miners are offline, the difficulty drops lower after about 3 hours. You probably need to join the pool to mine it.
MurfCoin Engineer No. 001 - May the FLUFF be with you. http://www.murfcoin.orgI do airdrops manually after 6PM every day PST. Please be patient :-)
cryptonexii (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 05:41:07 AM |
Cute! Can I solo mine?
Sure - it would be nice if you went on the pool though, as that donates to the rescues!
MurfCoin Engineer No. 001 - May the FLUFF be with you. http://www.murfcoin.orgI do airdrops manually after 6PM every day PST. Please be patient :-)
Jr. Member
Activity: 70
Merit: 1
January 24, 2018, 05:44:06 AM Last edit: January 24, 2018, 07:58:25 AM by miningpowerdotnet |
MurfCoin Coin @ MiningPower.NET[/b][/color] Fast and stable mining @ pool Fee : Only 2%. Payouts : Every 1 hour. DDos Protection. Come and join! -o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=FLUFF
Pool host: Pool port: 3433 Pool user: Your_Wallet_Address Pool pass: c=FLUFF Algorithm: SCRYPT
Donate : MTcAQGuHjAzKKa8yM2NTmycpp4SxyYbsaF FLUFF
MiningPower @
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 05:52:23 AM |
Dog rescue? what a great project, wish you the very best.

Activity: 602
Merit: 13
January 24, 2018, 06:02:16 AM Last edit: January 24, 2018, 06:15:08 AM by JWKY |
good project and good website already get murfcoin since old version airdrop form filled  now I am wait for new version of win 32-bit wallet  but I fail connect to port 4444 only 3333 work for me just like last time, I never listed inside pool worker? any bug? code used as below: minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=MGFKXyLZWevAyidpd5nPuXp7QqHXTo2S6G:x --threads=1
cryptonexii (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 06:18:20 AM |
good project and good website already get murfcoin since old version airdrop form filled  now I am wait for new version of win 32-bit wallet  but I fail connect to port 4444 only 3333 work for me just like last time, I never listed inside pool worker? any bug? code used as below: minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=MGFKXyLZWevAyidpd5nPuXp7QqHXTo2S6G:x --threads=1 32 Bit now available
MurfCoin Engineer No. 001 - May the FLUFF be with you. http://www.murfcoin.orgI do airdrops manually after 6PM every day PST. Please be patient :-)

Activity: 602
Merit: 13
January 24, 2018, 06:24:03 AM Last edit: January 24, 2018, 06:38:51 AM by JWKY |
good project and good website already get murfcoin since old version airdrop form filled  now I am wait for new version of win 32-bit wallet  but I fail connect to port 4444 only 3333 work for me just like last time, I never listed inside pool worker? any bug? code used as below: minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=MGFKXyLZWevAyidpd5nPuXp7QqHXTo2S6G:x --threads=1 32 Bit now available, it directly replace old version? I have done installation Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effectya maybe problem, I uninstall old version and retry install same word above. my problem not appear on MurfPool ( unsolve
cryptonexii (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 06:39:55 AM |
Thanks, it directly replace old version? I have done installation Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effect ya maybe problem, I uninstall old version and retry install same word above.
Yes it replaces the old one. This message will go away after an hour or two, it is due to new features of litecoin blockchain taking effect.
MurfCoin Engineer No. 001 - May the FLUFF be with you. http://www.murfcoin.orgI do airdrops manually after 6PM every day PST. Please be patient :-)
cryptonexii (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 06:41:05 AM |
good project and good website already get murfcoin since old version airdrop form filled  now I am wait for new version of win 32-bit wallet  but I fail connect to port 4444 only 3333 work for me just like last time, I never listed inside pool worker? any bug? code used as below: minerd --url=stratum+tcp:// --userpass=MGFKXyLZWevAyidpd5nPuXp7QqHXTo2S6G:x --threads=1 32 Bit now available, it directly replace old version? I have done installation Warning: Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effectya maybe problem, I uninstall old version and retry install same word above. my problem not appear on MurfPool ( unsolve Please try cgminer. I used the information below and it works well.
MurfCoin Engineer No. 001 - May the FLUFF be with you. http://www.murfcoin.orgI do airdrops manually after 6PM every day PST. Please be patient :-)

Activity: 602
Merit: 13
January 24, 2018, 06:42:55 AM |
I don't have graphic card  only cpuminer for me
Activity: 99
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 06:49:46 AM |
Good project, however the hashrate has started high, and the cpu is again not feasible
January 24, 2018, 07:47:45 AM |
Hello Dev, with "difficulty" at 16.17... seems to be on the high side. Most importantly, not to mention that the coin is relatively a new one...  Kindly consider!
cryptonexii (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 07:58:36 AM |
Hello Dev, with "difficulty" at 16.17... seems to be on the high side. Most importantly, not to mention that the coin is relatively a new one...  Kindly consider! Coin uses DGW, so it is now at 11. Lots of people have thrown hash at it, so it was high earlier. Join the pool and you will get some :-) Also sign up for AirDrop.
MurfCoin Engineer No. 001 - May the FLUFF be with you. http://www.murfcoin.orgI do airdrops manually after 6PM every day PST. Please be patient :-)
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 08:07:52 AM |
Dude, when does pool payout? I had good shares going 5 hours ago, but I haven't received a single payout. I moved on to other coins, I'd suggest other people do the same, rather than waste their time.
cryptonexii (OP)
Copper Member
Activity: 100
Merit: 0
January 24, 2018, 08:09:13 AM |
Dude, when does pool payout? I had good shares going 5 hours ago, but I haven't received a single payout. I moved on to other coins, I'd suggest other people do the same, rather than waste their time.
Let me look into it - it could be a misconfiguration, thanks for pointing it out.
MurfCoin Engineer No. 001 - May the FLUFF be with you. http://www.murfcoin.orgI do airdrops manually after 6PM every day PST. Please be patient :-)