Don't focus too much in your red trust, focus on how can you improve your field of information so you may say or state your answer in the thread in a right way, expand your your knowledge as they saying says knowledge is power.
Maybe along the way you can enlighten others on some aspects, then they may give you a positive trust to neutralize the red mark.
I agree, I'm just hoping that this forum will set new policy/limitations when it comes on providing red trust to other users. I just felt like I'm abused in a way because I'm also from a third world country and English is not my first language. The only thing I'm pointing out is if they could remove the privilege of all users on providing Red Trust and just leave that job to the Moderators of this forum so that no one could overuse it.
No one is perfect and I'm sure there's always a better way to correct something you think is wrong or unnecessary. The word "Red Trust" is completely irrelevant for so called "Shitposers", besides what's the purpose of the hyperlink located on the lower right corner of every post?