Keine Ahnung, wer von euch noch in SIA ist oder bald abstoßen will. Es gibt am 03. Februar (Block 298.000) einen Hard-Fork.
Wichtig ist, dass bis dahin ein Upgrade auf das neue Wallet v1.5.4 erfolgt ist. Wenn das Upgrade erst danach erfolgt, muss man die komplette Blockchain wieder runterladen. Und das dauert.
For users that store in our official wallet
Siacoin holders should upgrade to v1.5.4 by February 3rd. There are two versions of Sia: Sia-UI for most users, and siac for advanced users. When the hardfork hits at block 298,000, your updated 1.5.4 version of Sia will instantly give you access to the new chain, and all of your Siacoins will be available to you.
If you don't upgrade in time, you will brick your consensus.db file. This is the file that syncs the blockchain to your computer, and you will have to completely re-sync it. You never lose your coins. Once you update to the new chain, your coins will be available to you again.