Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is not the craziest art I've seen by any stretch.
What you need to do, is think of some deep meaning to accompany each element of the piece. \
For some reason you chose mandarin peels; perhaps they artistically symbolize the language 'Mandarin', which itself is a reference to China, and its growing dominance in the crypto-sphere. Perhaps, one of the peels could have been in the shape of china for added meta-meaning. Perhaps the gold foil symbolizes hope for the wealth that the investor is seeking in putting their 'skin in the game', while the cardboard symbolizes the fear of any particular investment becoming worthless. Perhaps the peels also signify that by placing their skin in the crypto 'game', they can never truly withdraw, just as one cannot un-peel an orange.
Perhaps, the investor 'shedding their skin', is a metaphor for transformation in the same way some animals must leave behind their old skin to grow a new one, as the world may be in the process of 'shedding the skin' of the legacy financial system.. only to discover a tasty, ripe fruit underneath..
Clearly, the back of the frame represents the X-men logo, signifying the 'mutant' nature of bitcoin, which is 'hidden' from view..
I could go on an on..
Best of luck.