
Activity: 308
Merit: 10
May 20, 2018, 03:13:39 PM |
Go for ASIC suppor
Hmm, my opinion does not match with yours. I think most people do not have ASIC, and the difficulty has grown so that using something other than an ASIC is pointless.
Qwertycoin_QWC (OP)
Jr. Member
Activity: 301
Merit: 1
May 20, 2018, 04:13:03 PM |
Go for ASIC suppor
Hmm, my opinion does not match with yours. I think most people do not have ASIC, and the difficulty has grown so that using something other than an ASIC is pointless. A few Pools use the Heavy Branch, so that's not an ASIC Problem yet. And the Difficulty will also increase without ASIC Support. So ban ASIC will NOT decrease the difficulty. Qwertycoin is now (a bit) mainstream and some new miners join the boat and start mining in this Project. This is a healthy grow of the entire network. As we said we working on this heavy branch. But this will NOT decrease the difficulty. The Difficulty raise over the time like the decreasing Block Reward. If we reach higher Block heights the difficulty will raise up too. If you wait for a rapidly decrease of the global network difficulty, dont wait for the Anti ASIC Release of Qwertycoin. The Difficulty will not decrease to maybe 350,000,000 or something like that. If you expect this low difficulty you should not wait for this Solution. This will not happen. Maybe it will decrease to slightly under 1 billion, but with the time it will increase again up to >= 1 billion and higher.
Try out the new Qwertycoin web wallet here: myqwertycoin.com (https://myqwertycoin.com/)
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
May 21, 2018, 04:32:37 AM |
Go for ASIC support
Are you joking with the people who still mining coins by using CPU's? Thanks, but NO. Bytecoin will be the only one option for you in short therm.

Activity: 308
Merit: 10
May 21, 2018, 05:49:33 AM |
Qwertycoin is now (a bit) mainstream and some new miners join the boat and start mining in this Project. This is a healthy grow of the entire network. As we said we working on this heavy branch. But this will NOT decrease the difficulty. The Difficulty raise over the time like the decreasing Block Reward. If we reach higher Block heights the difficulty will raise up too.
And then what to do? For mine I use CPU, the cost of electricity is more expensive than the cost of coins I get. On one enthusiasm, the coin does not survive long.
May 21, 2018, 06:11:24 AM |
Qwertycoin is now (a bit) mainstream and some new miners join the boat and start mining in this Project. This is a healthy grow of the entire network. As we said we working on this heavy branch. But this will NOT decrease the difficulty. The Difficulty raise over the time like the decreasing Block Reward. If we reach higher Block heights the difficulty will raise up too.
And then what to do? For mine I use CPU, the cost of electricity is more expensive than the cost of coins I get. On one enthusiasm, the coin does not survive long. You will definitely loose money if you sell what you mine because electricity is expensive. This approach is going to work only if you're OK with the idea that their value will probably appreciate in time. CPU mining coins that will get you a returnQwerty Coin (QWC) TurtleCoin(TRTL) PinkStarCoin (PNKS) Stellite Coin (XTL) DinastyCoin (DCY) ByteCoin (BCN) CrepCoin (CREP) Intense Coin (ITNS) Fonero (FNO) Graft (GRFT) Electroneum (ETN) LeviarCoin (XLC) Dero (DERO) Alloy (XAO) Haven (XHV) Karbo (KRB) Sumokoin (SUMO) NioBioCash (NBR) Solace Coin (SOLACE) Loki Coin (LOKI) Triton Coin (TRIT) Iridium Coin (IRD)
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
May 22, 2018, 08:01:38 PM |
Hi guys,
I have since a few days unconfirmed transaction ... I'm starting to worry, that I'll never receive them. What I have to do, to confirm these coins ?
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 03:35:45 AM |
in the pool I already have 1k of coins but until today there is not a payment for my wallet because it takes so much so there is a value to be mined and then to send the wallet is?
Qwertycoin_QWC (OP)
Jr. Member
Activity: 301
Merit: 1
May 23, 2018, 07:19:20 AM |
in the pool I already have 1k of coins but until today there is not a payment for my wallet because it takes so much so there is a value to be mined and then to send the wallet is?
There is a Min. Payout on every Pool. If your Pending Balance reach 10,000 you will get an Payment asap. Pool list: http://explorer.qwertycoin.org/#pools
Try out the new Qwertycoin web wallet here: myqwertycoin.com (https://myqwertycoin.com/)

Activity: 308
Merit: 10
May 23, 2018, 09:52:05 AM |
Hi guys, I have since a few days unconfirmed transaction ... I'm starting to worry, that I'll never receive them. What I have to do, to confirm these coins ? Regards
Either just wait, or make a restart of the wallet. How to do this, written in the topic a little higher.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
May 23, 2018, 08:58:18 PM |
and again wallet qwc is not available on Crex24( when it's fixed? 
Activity: 168
Merit: 0
May 25, 2018, 03:13:51 AM |
I don’t think there should be a cap if some one sends say In The future 100m coins with a fee of 1000 nodes should receive a fair share With 10 been okay I suppose at 1% Would be better based on staking people who lock up more coins receive a bigger share of the fee , means more coins staying off the exchanges and limiting the supply in a way
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
May 25, 2018, 01:36:31 PM |
May 25, 2018, 08:40:26 PM |
Just checked, and it works (again?)
Qwertycoin_QWC (OP)
Jr. Member
Activity: 301
Merit: 1
May 26, 2018, 06:22:30 AM |
We've added new goals to our roadmap, check it out for the latest updates: https://qwertycoin.org/#roadmapWe're hoping that Crex24 will resolve their issues soon with the wallet, please note there are no known issues with the Qwertycoin Network and it appears to be their own wallet issues.
Try out the new Qwertycoin web wallet here: myqwertycoin.com (https://myqwertycoin.com/)
Activity: 66
Merit: 0
May 27, 2018, 04:00:10 PM |
kwagshcoin (KGH) = qwertycoin (QWC) ?

Activity: 308
Merit: 10
May 27, 2018, 05:54:31 PM |
kwagshcoin (KGH) = qwertycoin (QWC) ?
What kind of kwagshcoin is this, the first time I've heard of it. Is it such a hidden advertisement?
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
May 28, 2018, 05:54:46 AM |
Hello. Today I was send qwc coins to exchange crex24. But can not send. I waited a long time but 0 confirmations I use Gui wallet Tks!