To be honest after that absolute pain & suffering our community has gone through with the 4 still born births that where
1 bASIC ---Was never in teh race
2 BFL ----The Long Con !!
3 AVALON ----Started great & then fell for Greed,Greed & more GReed ..really sad
4 ASICMINER---Have screwed every cent out of everything they could ....did not give nothing to nobody ..Will not be missed
Where are we now
(Good to see buzzdave landed on his feet )
KNCMIner --I think the Vikings are invading in a good way with intergrity & professionalism (AWESOME!!)
HASHFAST-Started late but i just read the Miner guarantee (like WTF
) these guys are the dark horse
I am sure there are more but long story short THESE guys are the professionalism & respect that our community has been waiting for soooooooooo long.....
I really thing our bad days are nearly behind us and there is no place, for the TOP 4 failures, in the new CRYPTO world.
With these guys securing our network & providing services & products with intergrity, we as a community can start to look to further horizons of more marketplace integration and stop looking backward on the neverending scams and broken promises..
I think with these participants in place we have a thriving competition & normal market forces will ensure we get the best products & services in a profesional manner
I think myself and very weary band of "TROLLS" & barnwood thiefs can look forward to the not too distant future to finally hang up the fiery keyboards and start to have a slightly more positive view on the crypto cvommunity as a whole ...there will always be scammers in the un-regulated wild west of crypto but I think today marks a really big step forward to the MAINSTREAM that we all desire
I am so excited I nearly bought an ASIC...lolz
There is some very messy unfinished business with contestant numbers 2&3 but like a divorce it wont be nice but its has too happen
I hope you guys can see the light @ the end of the tunnel that I can now