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Hi everybody
Please help me with this situation.
I made low value posts and I got banned from the forum moderator.
Is this my account banned forever?
How to remove the ban ?
Thanks alot for you help!
I will be very honest with you here, and my intention is to help you, not to be aggressive.
First off, you title the post "your friend", and then refer to yourself. OK, so it's your account. At least be honest.
Secondly, the all-caps title....that's likely to be one of the reasons your other account got banned. On the internet, it's considered shouting.
Thirdly, the abuse of HUGE font-sizes in your messages. I see this is consistent with your other account, on which you like to use red all the time.
So in summary, huge font red caps alt-posts are irritating in the extreme, and clog up this forum with crap. Stop that behaviour and you might be less at risk.